Minutes for November 18, 2010

Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors

Calvin called us to order at 8:03am PST



Attending: Matt, Calvin, Steve, Mark, Jon (Jon joined at 8:40)

Absent: Geir (excused), Alex


Approve Minutes for October 21, 2010 board meeting
Calvin moved approval; Matt seconded
Unanimously approved with Steve abstaining

Approve Minutes for November 11th, 2010 board meeting
Calvin moved approval, Steve seconded
Unanimously approved.

Establish Committees and board liaisons

Marketing Committee
Calvin moved Mark chair; Matt seconded
Unanimously approved

Mark moved to change name to "Communications Team"; Matt seconded
Unanimously approved

IP and Trademarks
Matt noted that this has always ended up being a board responsibility
Calvin moved to dissolve this committee and handle its business in the board; Steve seconded
Unanimously approved

Membership Committee

General agreement Jon would be a good choice to head this (revisited under new business after Jon arrived)
Existing Committee terms have ended; appointment of a new committee will occur at a future meeting.

Admins Team
Calvin will act as board liaison

Appoint advisory board members (reminder for next week)

Old business

Domain acquisition progress

No change

News item about the diversity statement on plone.org

Mark has a news release coming

Fundraising /sponsorship note to members

Also in Mark's pipeline

It was noted that an upgrade of plone.net is a vital part of this. Matt volunteered to lead this effort.
Mark moved appointment of Matt to this role; Calvin seconded.
Unanimously approved
Matt noted that he'll be communicating with Jon and Paul to get this back on track.

Calvin moved to delay sending the funding/sponsorship message until this is planned; Mark seconded.
Unanimously agreed.

Plone tuneup awards to sponsor a selected person at next conference

Steve moved to budget $1,500 for incentives and ask for recommendations for from those working on the tune ups as to mechanisms by which this could be awarded in the form of one or more scholarships for the plone conference.

Tabled until next meeting.

New business

Creation of events calendar for foundation-sponsored events

Mark noted the need for a "Here is where we're going to be" list of events. Mark will take the lead on this, coordinating with Matt's plone.net efforts.

Guidelines for hosting User Group websites on Plone.org

Mark is drafting some guidelines. General discussion with no action about what we'd like to see; general agreement that this would be aimed at informational (absolutely no ads) pages with one or two maintainers and no user space elements. Groups that need more would be expected to do their own sites.

Approval of standard boilerplate text about Plone and Plone Foundation for inclusion on all Plone press releases.

The draft for this had not reached the board list. We'll take it up at a future meeting.

Committers/contributor agreement auditing

(how can we make sure all committers have signed the agreement? Is our process solid enough?)
Geir had put this on the agenda, and we tabled it in his absence.

Membership Committee

Jon had joined the meeting, and we returned to this. Jon agreed to chair.
Calvin moved approval of Jon; Steve seconded.
Mark noted that it is our understanding that the chair position is a fully voting member of the committee. Jon noted that he would like board members to make recommendations for committee members, and that we should aim for an odd number.