Minutes for March 18, 2010

Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors

Geir being in Cologne, Calvin called us to order at 1:05pm PDT



Attending: Matt, Steve, Mark, Calvin, Alex, Roberto (via IRC)
Absent: Geir (excused)

Approve minutes for March 4, 2010

Mark moved approval, Matt seconded
Unanimously approved

Quick Committee status reports (IP, Membership, Marketing)

IP, Membership: No reports

Marketing (Mark)
Marketing’s work is being broken into smaller chunks; there’s going to be a marketing sprint track at Plone Symposium East.

‘This month in Plone’ will be out soon. Send information to Mark.

Old Business

Event funding request: Open Source Pacific Asia Conference and Expo, Pretaweb

Matt is still working on getting a refined proposal from Pretaweb.

Regional conferences, naming, guide. [alex]

Nothing yet.

Domain acquisition progress? [alex]

Steve moved, Mark seconded going into executive session
Into exec session at 1:20pm (PDT)
Left exec session at 1:25pm

Budget for 2010 [geir]

Geir being absent, moved to next meeting

New Business

Plone EDU mailings

Question: should the foundation facilitate a mailing to .edu participants of the last conference? This could be seen as violating our guarantee of minimal use of that e-mail address list.
No action: general agreement that we really like this effort, but don’t feel we can repurpose the list. We’ll add a check off on next year’s registration to allow for mailings from the foundation.

Steve will contact Mike Halm.

Sponsorship request, Kiwi PyCon 2010, Tim Knapp

Mark moved to sponsor at silver level (1,000 NZD); Matt seconded.
Unanimously passed
(NZD = .7148 USD, 1 New Zealand dollar = 0.525510954 Euros)

Matt will notify.

Approve payment, IMS 2009, Netsight

Mark moved payment of $1,500 USD for Netsight's coordination of Plone presence at IMS 2009, Steve seconded
Unanimously approved (Matt abstained)

Steve will notify Toby

Adjourned at 1:46pm