Minutes for July 1, 2010
Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors
Geir called us to order at Noon, PDT
Attending: Steve, Roberto, Matt, Geir, Calvin, Mark, Alex
Absent: None!
Approve minutes for June 17th
Geir moved, Mark seconded, unanimously approved
Quick Committee status reports (IP, Membership, Marketing)
Mark reported on efforts to get coordinated translations of a press release for Plone 4’s release.
Steve reported that a new framework team has been selected for Plone 4.x.
Old business
Regional conferences, naming, guide.
Steve moved approval as a policy
Geir seconded
Unanimously approved
Mark will do news item; Steve & Matt will drop notes to current big event sponsors.
Domain acquisition progress report
This is proceeding; nothing to report
Strategic sprint discussion (Alex. Postponed from last meeting)
Alex proposed sponsorship of a series of strategic sprints in areas vital to Plone 5. This would, whenever possible, involve matching money, covering particular types of expenses and such.
Geir and Steve both noted that making this kind of plan is an important part of fundraising efforts.
Steve suggested we ask the Framework Team to propose 3-5 strategic sprints so that we can begin discussing how to make them happen.
Steve moved the board ask the Plone 5 framework team to propose 3-5 strategic sprint topics so that we can begin work on financing and operation of them.
Geir seconded
Unanimously approved
Sponsorships on plone.net (Geir, Mark)
Working on getting an automatic renewal mechanism (Alex and Geir)
Mark noted that we need to do something much more promotional (no disagreement on this) emphasizing benefits to sponsors and Plone.
Mark has been talking to Paul and Jon and would like to bring us some proposals for consideration in two weeks. Would like it to coordinate with Plone 4 release.
Alex left call at 1pm
New business
Event Funding Request: OSCON 2010 (Calvin)
6FU requested $500 support for representing Plone at OSCON
(a free booth has been obtained; this would fund travel and representation expenses)
Mark: this is a level-one priority conference
Geir moved approval
Mark seconded
Unanimously approved (Calvin abstaining)
Sauna sprint advance payment request (Geir)
Sauna sprint had already been awarded 700 Euro; are in need of that in advance. Lots of advance commitments.
Mark moved approval of advance payment
Geir seconded
Unanimously approved.
Requests from Alan Runyan re ZODB book (Alex)
Geir has spoken with Alan to say that can’t act as the financial agent, but would be happy to provide some other type of support.
User groups (Mark)
Mark is working (particularly with eleddy) on a reboot of users groups
License discussion (Geir)
Steve proposed we go to the membership to have a one-week plone foundation membership discussion on a gpl 2 proposal, then have an advisory poll of the membership. Note that this would not affect any of the modules re-licensed under the modified BSD.
Geir asked Steve to post to membership, opening one-week discussion to be followed by advisory vote. Steve will do one more draft to board list, then send to membership.