Minutes for April 15, 2010

Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors

Geir called us to order at 12:05pm PDT



Attending: Matt, Geir, Steve, Mark, Toby (ex-officio)
Not attending: Calvin, Roberto (both excused), Alex

Approve minutes

Geir moved approval, Mark seconded
Adopted unanimously

Quick Committee status reports (IP, Membership, Marketing)

Nothing specific that isn’t on the agenda elsewhere

Old business

Event funding request: Open Source Pacific Asia Conference and Expo, Pretaweb [matt]

Still following up. Nothing new.

Regional conferences, naming, guide. [alex]

Nothing new. Hopefully soon.

domain acquisition progress? [alex]

Also nothing new.

Budget for 2010 [geir]

Still a work in progress; Mark will have a suggested marketing budget soon.

Call for sponsorships [matt & geir]

Agreed to promotion at upcoming symposia;
Look into badge markers or such for conference; banner for PF Sponsors

Mark will compile a list of accomplishments; will become part of a call on plone.org and quick talks at symposia
Toby will work on converting current sponsors to automatic payment plans.

New business

Relicense request from Laurence Rowe: plone.session

Geir moved; Matt seconded
Unanimously approved

Marketing Tasks - Next 3 Months [mark]

Mark had e-mailed the board a draft, which we discussed; includes elements for plone 4 prep, promotion of events, updated community information, marketing to special populations, informational publications and conference kit, social-media presence, schwag, case studies.

Working toward more informal “I am Plone” case studies rather than formal documents.

Mark is seeking feedback; trying to get it organized before symposia.

Trademark: Register the word "Plone" in Europe? (2-3000 eur?)

This is the research/initial registration fee; renewal is much cheaper.
Geir moved to authorize Xavier to pursue European registration of a Plone word mark, allocating up to 3,000 Euro.
Mark seconded
Unanimously approved

Geir will notify


It’s Mark’s birthday, and we all wished him a happy birthday.

Adjourned at 12:50pm