Minutes, September 17, 2009

Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors

Jon called us to order at 12:05pm, PDT



Present: Jon, Geir, Steve, Matt, Nate
Absent: Darci (unexcused), Alex (excused)

Minutes for September 3, 2009

Jon moved approval; Matt seconded
Unanimously approved


Update: Plone Conference Participation Grants (Jon)

57 participants receiving conference and/or travel subsidy in program sponsored by OSI;
there’s a short waiting list and a small reserve fund.

Sponsorship request for PyCon NZ

Jon moved approving $750, Steve seconded
Passed: Jon, Geir, Steve, Matt in favor
Steve will communicate treasurer@plone.org

Discuss: IP Committee - new chair.  (Geir)

Paul is stepping down. Calvin has declined nomination. Jon made a call to the lists, one response received, from Sreekanth S Rameshaiah.
Agreement on moving forward. Geir will follow up. Action deferred to next meeting pending communication.

Checkin: did we communicate with Roberto re: last meeting's decision on sponsorship?

Steve will communicate.

Approval of final event sponsorship policy.

Jon moved approval of policy as written
Geir seconded
Unanimously approved

Executive session: discussion of potential GPL infringement (Matt)

ES begun 12:22
Ended 12:30

Plone domains

Geir is still receiving information, and is recording them on a spreadsheet.

Discussion on status of plone.tv

Adjourned at 12:45pm