Minutes, March 5, 2009
Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors
Jon called meeting to order at 12:02pm PST
Attending: Geir, Jon, Steve, Darci, Nate, Matt
Absent: Alex
Advisory Board Members Attending: Roberto
Minutes for Minutes, February 19, 2009
Jon moved approval, Darci seconded, unanimously approved
Agenda Items
Membership Committee Update (Darci)
New process starting, to reach board around 4/2
Plone.org redesign update (Alex)
Alex unavailable, but Jon said reports indicate any day now
Made it through the first round. A lot more work to prepare for the second round.
orld Plone Day (Roberto)
Any board support or action needed? Could use some help attracting community members to participation. Still recruiting hosts. All this being tracked on World Plone Day page.
Nate: we need a champion for a press release and web 2.0 promotion.
Practical Plone book mailing reimbursement to Veda Williams (Jon)
Total was $111.96, but we'd only pre-authorized $75.
Jon moved approval for reimbursement of full amount, Nate seconded.
Unanimously approved.
Do we want to order any copies of Practical Plone for thank yous, gifts, etc? (Jon)
Jon is going make a small order for a few authors, could add a few for the foundation.
Nate noted that they would be of use at the NTEN and other conferences.
Jon moved to order 5, will bring 3 to NTEN.
Steve seconded.
Unanimously approved.
Relicensing Conversation (Jon, Geir)
Quick discussion of draft relicensing policy, approve it for distribution to Membership and discussion. Then schedule an advisory vote.
Jon is ready to distribute to membership list for discussion.
Then a PF advisory vote. Board would then take action.
Discussion noted that our bylaws do not allow for a binding membership vote outside a formal PF meeting.
Marketing Committee Checkin (Nate)
Recent activity, any needs for board action or funds?
Wiki page is collecting list of events from community on a wiki page. Notifications have gone to evangelism list.
Need work on WPD press release to get wide distribution. Brainstorming discussion. There may be expenses for pr distribution.
Jon noted that we should be working on a media list as a long-term project.
Consolidating Plone domain registration accounts (Geir)
Stuff is a bit scattered across multiple accounts. We need to centralize so we can handle various domains that people want to transfer. Do we need to do anything about DNS hosting?
Geir will work on collecting names and figuring out how controlled. Move to as few places as possible within registry regulations and cautious control.
Adjourned at: 12:33pm PST