Minutes, June 25, 2009
Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors
Jon called the meeting to order at 12:05pm PDT
Attending: Alex, Nate, Jon, Geir, Steve
Absent: Darci, Matt
Advisory Members Attending: Roberto, Mark
Minutes for June 11, 2009
Minor changes made to accord with memory of meeting.
Jon moved, Geir seconded.
Unanimously approved (Steve abstaining)
Business items
Welcoming new advisory board member Mark Corum
No action
Membership Committee (Darci)
(Darci not available, deferred)
Alex: Concern that we may not be keeping enough with Plone.Gov. Will encourage Xavier to be on board calls so that we can learn more of what we can do to help and understand.
Geir: Plone.Gov seems to have been more about exposure than software in the past couple of years. Not a criticism, just needs to know more about what it does.
Roberto: Plone.Gov is about branding/networking, software part is out-of-date and not really a current part of the effort. Having a brand just for government is helpful.
Jon: Not his understanding that it was a software effort, probably shouln’t be.
General agreement that we wish to know more about this useful initiative, and should keep up better. Having Xavier at some meetings a good idea.
Plone Conference Logo Feedback & Logo Guidelines
Balazs had sent draft logo for 2009 conference
Separately, logo guidelines have been in the works
Mark gave feedback to Balazs; Jon has spoken with him since.
Balazs would appreciate advice on how to proceed.
Jon: How do we work with the conference on this? How strict do we really want to be?
Alex: Main purpose of strict guidelines is to protect brand. For something as big as a conference, under the foundation umbrella, we should be willing to make an exception for really good work. Suggested he or Mark could work with conference on this, then bring to board.
Jon noted conference is in a hurry, but happy to work with us.
Jon will send a note to Balazs saying that Mark and Alex will work with him.
General discussion on making guidelines reasonable and acceptable to community. Jon and Mark will work on that.
Marketing Plan Discussion
Mark and Nate and many others have pulled together a draft plan; some feedback was sent from the board.
Mark: There’s been some reconsideration in the amount of print collateral that will be desirable. Things are just changing too fast.
A new draft coming this week will adjust for that. Should be close to ready to go public.
New conference call solution (Jon)
Proposal: pay $50/month for Calliflower.com
Has international dial-in numbers. FWT has been trialing for their calls, they are satisfied. A single account could cover our use and FWT's use (basically, it's unlimited use for a single login account.)
Jon and Eric Steele will be initial keymasters.
Jon moved approval of creating of account with Calliflower @ $50 month for board and framework team.
Geir seconded.
Unanimously approved
Adjourned at 1:05pm PDG