Minutes for November 5th, 2009

Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors

Informal call to order at 12:10pm PDT



Attending: Geir, Alex, Steve, Calvin, Roberto, Mark, Matt, Toby

Minutes for October 15th, 2009

Steve moved acceptance, Geir seconded
Approved unanimously

New Business

Agree and formalize meeting times/schedule

Thursdays, Noon PDT; meet every week to start; November 12, 19, Dec 3rd, then to every second week.
Geir Moved, Calvin Seconded, Unanimous

Attendance policy: keep track, make it public

Geir moved maintaining past attendance policy, Steve seconded
Unanimously approved.

Appoint officers (Treasurer, Secretary, President, Vice-president)


Steve moved election of Geir as president; Matt seconded
Unanimously approved; Geir abstained


Geir moved appointing Toby as Treasurer; Mark seconded
Unanimously approved


Geir moved Steve be Secretary; Roberto seconded
Unanimously approved

Vice President

Mark nominated Calvin; Steve nominated Matt
Continent / time zone balance issue mentioned by Steve, Geir, Matt; all agreed both excellent. Matt withdrew, noting advantage of time balance.
Calvin unanimously confirmed; Calvin abstained

Appoint advisory board members

Suggestions: Xavier Heymans, Joel Burton, Jon Stahl
Steve moved that slate; Calvin seconded
Unanimously approved.


Membership, an offficial committee of Foundation

Steve volunteered to take on membership committee, would solicit applications for a new  committee membership.
Geir moved to appoint Steve; Matt seconded
Unanimously approved (Steve abstained)

IP Committee

Geir was past year’s liaison to this committee, but doesn’t think he should do it and president.
Paul was past chair; Sree is next year’s chair.
Matt volunteered to be liaison
Geir moved to appoint Matt; Steve seconded
Unanimously approved.

Marketing Committee

Mark is current chair;
Geir moved appointment of Mark as chair and liaison
Unanimously approved. (Mark abstained)

Invoice for IP-lawyer services

2,193.36 USD for trademark filings; all the real work is pro bono, this is just filing and document fees.
Steve moved paying invoice; Geir seconded
Unanimously agreed

Second signer for bank account

Geir moved Steve serve as second signer
Calvin seconded
Unanimously approved.

Steve will do notifications on board officers / advisory members.

Geir adjourned us at 12:55pm