Minutes for December 3, 2009
Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors
Geir called us to order at 12:05pm
Present: Alex, Geir, Steve, Mark, Calvin
Absent: Matt, Roberto (both excused)
No minutes for last meeting yet available.
Old business
Trademark discussion
Entered executive session due to sensitive nature of communications
Exited executive session
New committees
Membership is soliciting new members;
Marketing is getting going, working on P4 rollout plan
Geir is going to ask Paul to do a formal handoff to Sree
Plone conference 2010
We’ve received no proposals. What to do?
Discussions of barriers to applying. Size of conference, work, inadequate publicity of call, pattern of alternating conferences.
What if we promote regional symposia into regional conferences? We would need to work on mechanisms to get key people from cross Atlantic face-to-face.
No action. We’ll return to this in two weeks after talking with community members.
New business
South American Symposium sponsorship
Should we reimburse Alex and Eric directly, as proposed by symposium organizers. First reimburse them, then send remainder to symposium organizers.
Geir moved doing so; Mark seconding; unanimously approved with Alex abstaining.
Steve will contact Toby with these plans.
Plans and goals for 2009-2010
- Budget for 2010
Steve will lead an effort; Mark and Geir will help. Work will begin after new year. - Plone.Net should be awesome, and isn’t.
Geir: we need a group to make it better; 3-5 people who want to make it better. Mark and Jon might be good candidates.
Next meeting December 17th.
Geir adjourned us at 1:12pm