Minutes, February 19, 2009
Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors
Jon called the meeting to order at 12:05 pm PST
Present: Jon, Darci, Geir, Steve, Nate, Matt (joined 12:12)
Absent: Alex
Advisory Members present: Roberto
Minutes for February 5, 2009
Jon moved approval, Darci seconded
Unanimously approved.
Quick Checkins/Updates
New member notification/announcement
All applicants from the last round have been notified; Darci will add to lists and do a news item. There are currently no application in the queue.
Marketing Committee
Nate reported that the committee has had a kick-off meeting.
Matt related some items from the minutes; lots going on. WPD is a priority. NTEN materials. Great Background Plone Count. Press release procedure under work. Annual Plone awards of some variety.
Jon noted that there’s foundation budget available for this. Nate said a budget for this will be put together.
Reimbursing Veda Williams for Practical Plone book mailouts
Nate moved approval of up to $75
Matt seconded
Passed unanimously (Steve, Jon, Darci abstaining)
Plone.Net sponsorship report
Jon reported Nine sponsors so far. > $20,000 pledged so far.
Jon encouraged us to spread the word.
Plone.Net is now running on Pilot Systems servers.
New/Ongoing Work
Licensing Discussion
Geir reported that the board list had received summary of feedback. Slightly more than 50% want us to do something about this. Remainder split between no and don’t care.
Geir noted that discussion from last board meeting had been posted to membership list.
We do need a policy/procedure to minimize chance of accidental moves from license to another.
Steve will work on a draft of policy text for circulation inside board, then to IP committee. Then to membership list for discussion, then a formal membership vote.
Now that money is coming in, we need to plan. Brainstormed likely expenses.
Marketing Committee, materials development, conference expenses
Travel scholarships for Budapest for key folks.
Routine domain-name, certificate expenses.
Identified key sprints.
Jon noted that much of the sponsorship money is coming in a periodic basis, and the budget will need to take that into account.