Minutes, April 2, 2009

Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors

Jon called the meeting to order at 12:02pm PDT



Present: Jon, Darci, Geir,  Nate, Matt, Steve
Absent w/o leave: Alex


Minutes, March 19, 2009
jon moved approval, darci seconded
Unanimously approved

Check Ins

Domain consolidation (Geir)

plone.org and plone.net accounts now under Geir’s control. Please e-mail the domain names you know of to Geir.

We should try to get a map of the country-specific domains and their managers.

Plone.org hosting move (Geir/Jon/Steve?)

6FU has informed us of a new manager.

Marketing Committee (Nate)

Idealware review is good marketing material

Gabrielle has put together a brochure;  will be available for download from openplans. (Need link from WPD page.)

PyCon report
Bright orange t-shirts couldn’t be missed; photo arranged. There was a WPD talk.
Lightning talks on state of Zope.
This could deserve more effort next year. Perhaps an exhibitor booth.

NTEN preparations are getting urgent. We need a banner. Jon suggested going for low cost. Jon ordered 5 Practical Plone books, a couple to take along and a couple for the foundation to own.

New Business

Approve Plone sticker purchase via 6FU, 1,000 bumper stickers; 5,000 little logos.

Steve moved approval of $442.55 + shipping for 6FU
Geir seconded
Unanimous approval

Request to use logo for a forthcoming Plone book

A publisher has contacted us for permission to use a Plone logo on the cover of a book devoted to Plone. Authors and press are well-known to the community. Jon has spoken to publisher. At least one other book already uses the logo.

Geir noted that logo use should include logo trademark notice.

Jon moved approval request to use logo on forthcoming book subject to following guidelines and acknowledgement of trademark.
Steve seconded.
Unanimously approved.


Steve noted GSOC Student application deadline tomorrow.

Jon adjourned us at 12:35pm.