Minutes, September 4, 2008
Regular Meeting of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors, Noon PDT
Present: Joel, Steve, Alex, Nate
In the absence of Darci and Jon, Joel was selected to chair, and he appointed Steve to act as secretary for the meeting.
Action on minutes from August 21st was deferred.
Conference Update
Alex Clark reports roughly 180 registrants; There was some concern this may be low. Marketing needs more more push.
One-day registrations aren’t yet available. The collective opinion was that we promised the community they will be available and do not believe it will have a significant effect on conference profitability. Joel will write aclark about this.
Board Nomination Process
Reviewed Hanno’s 8/26 memo on past election processes.
Joel suggested similar process to last year for voting, and this was agreed to by consensus.
Joel will create folder for nominations and send a process message to Plone-Announce. As before, a current foundation member must second each nomination. Voting is expected to take place roughly mon-wed the week of the conference. That will be refined.
A proposal for two-year staggered terms has been under consideration by the bylaws committee, but it was agreed by consensus that this will need to wait until the next cycle (if it happens at all).
Membership Renewal
The board has received correspondence from Chris Calloway noting the bylaws timetable for beginning the membership renewal process. It was agreed that at the next meeting, we will entertain a bylaws amendment to skip the renewal cycle this year and just renew everyone automatically. There was discussion of replacing the current membership renewal process with something more substantive than the current procedure, but serious consideration of that will wait.
Foundation Membership
There are 10 outstanding applications for Plone Foundation membership. Joel moved that the board should act on these at its next meeting, with the membership committee requested to offer recommendations or feedback, formal or informal, by that time. Steve seconded. Passed unanimously. Steve will communicate with membership committee.