Minutes, October 30, 2008
Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors.
Meeting called to order by Jon at 12:07pm PDT
Present: Jon, Steve, Nate, Alex; Darci, Geir and Matt joined at 1pm
(There was time-zone confusion; US DST ends later.)
Approval of Minutes for October 23, 2008
Jon moved, Nate seconded
Unanimously approved
1-minute updates
World Plone Day - Nate reported progressing; official slide deck near completion. Roberto doing a great job of championing.
Plone.org domain re-registration/consolidation and SSL certificate -
Geir reported to Steve that registration is complete; Steve is working w/ Wichert on SSL cert.
Logo usage guidelines - Nate
Mark Corum has forwarded guidelines. We need a policy for modifications. IP Committee is working on this. Jon suggested examples of good and bad usage as well as policy. We may get standard variants for user groups, PloneEdu, PloneGov.
Attendance policy - Jon will do resolution language for policy (not bylaw).
Advisory Board Members
Announcement is under way. We need to finish up contacts of potential advisors.
Old Business
Membership Committee Reboot
Deferred until we’ve more folks.
2009 Conference Selection Process
We have proposals from Barcelona and Budapest, and two weeks to do due-diligence
before bringing qualified proposals to community.
Jon suggested assigning a "due diligence" team of 2-3 people to review proposals, identify any questions, followup with the conference teams, and generally get the proposals ready for presentation to the community by Nov. 15
Break to 1pm PDT in hopes of picking up Matt and/or Geir. Continued at 1pm.
Matt, Geir and Darci joined meeting. Alex unavailable for this part. Jon, Steve, Nate still on.
Matt, Geir, Jon and Steve volunteered to serve on conference proposal review team.
Membership Committee Reboot
Darci had sent proposed procedures to board list
Darci will chair this year
She will solicit for members; current members will have to re-volunteer.
Current committee members will be asked first, the PF membership next.The solicitation will Include the responsibilities, schedule and processes.
Committee to have 4 or 5 members plus a board member as chairMembership is approved by board
Policies for Operation:
Any committee member who misses two reviews in a row may be replaced
Review process will happen bi-monthly
Review process must include no less than one less of total membership
(e.g. 3 or 4 committee members); chair must participateEach review process will include the text from http://plone.org/foundation/membership/meritguidelines/
Review Process:
- online survey for "voting", open for one week
- results mailed to membership committee, one week discussion
- final results sent to board end of second week
- board approves
- membership chair notifies candidates, updates mailing lists
Moved by Darci, Steve seconded
Unanimously passed
General Committee Membership Policy
Policy Resolution:
Resolved that membership and project management committees like the IP and Marketing committees will be appointed for one-year, renewable terms. Each board will appoint committees as one of its first pieces of business.
Jon moved, Geir seconded
Unanimously approved
Informal item: regular board items will go into calendar for board.
Wichert is working on review of Plone.Org proposal
Badges for Plone.Net sponsorship will soon be available for review.
Adjourned at 1:30pm PDT
Next Meeting: Nov 13th. Next after that, Nov 20th. No meeting Nov. 27th. Weekly thereafter 'til backlog is cleared.