Minutes, October 23, 2008

Plone Foundation board meeting minutes for October 23, 2008

Present: Geir, Nate, Steve, Matt (Jon joined a few minutes late)
Absent: Alex, Darci

Geir calls to order 12:11pm (UTC-7)

Review/approval of last meeting minutes

Geir moved approval, Nate seconded
Unanimously approved.

Check ins on action items

Steve, Alex: Plone.org domain re-registration/transfer and SSL certificate purchase
     Steve notified Alex - who was to contact wichert; Steve will check with Wichert

Darci: Quickbooks
     Darci has communicated with Toby

Nate: WPD ad followup with Roberto
     Nate followed up -- Roberto agrees

Nate: WPD slide deck
    Slides posted for review, in progress - to be finalized in one week;
    evangelism list will be notified

Jon joins at 12:15, assumes chair

Jon: Packt Practical Plone book contract
    Jon has signed, will mail today
    Veda has taken over author wrangling

Matt/Nate: Clarified logo usage guidelines
    No progress this week, Jon will forward policy draft from Mark Corum

New business

Advisory board

Per our (excellent!) email discussion, we should make a proposal to name persons to serve on a new Plone Foundation Advisory board, and have some discussion of the expectations/rules we set around this.

Jon: we need a charter - what is criteria?

Steve will draft announcement for board discussion - On agenda for next meeting

Consideration of confidential legal advice from David Powsner

Authorization to proceed with recommendations of memo, expending up to $2,400, check w/ board for more, IP Committee to determine details.

Geir moved, Steve seconded, Unanimously agreed

Conference 2009

Proposals due October 24th, two weeks for Foundation "due dilegence" then community voting.  We need to have a board member step forward to manage this process.  See http://plone.org/events/conferences/2009-call-for-proposals/ for details on schedule.

Steve will keep track of the process and correspondence

At least a couple of proposals are expected, possibly three or four. We want to pay attention to budget and venue, wifi, program process.

Check bank account signers

Current authorized signers on the main bank account are Toby and Darci.  Do we want/need to change this?

Geir moved to standardize on President, Treasurer.

Agreed by consenus

New attendance policy

Idea: Open Board Policy Resolutions Folder

Geir recommends use of public embarrassment; sent meeting minutes to membership list. Note excused or unexcused absence.

Jon will refine.

Steve will begin sending out minutes to membership.

Membership Committee Reboot

Discuss Membership Committee process/procedure and how to improve with stronger board leadership.

Deferred to next meeting; We'll want to discuss performance standards, board champion/chair, ideas for committee members, documentation of merit criteria

Adjourned at 13:01 PDT.