Minutes, October 2, 2008
Plone Foundation board meeting minutes from October 2, 2008, the last official meeting of the 2007-2008 board!
Present: Jon, Darci, Steve, Geir, Joel
Absent: Nate, Alex
Darci moved to approve the minutes from September 25th
Steve seconded
Approved unanimously.
Officer Reports
None at this time.
Packt Practical Plone contract
We discussed whether to have an attorney review the Packt contract before we sign.
Joel moved to move ahead with signing the contract
Geir seconded.
Approved 3-0, with Alex's proxy in favor.
Steve, Darci and Jon, while supportive, did not vote since they are all authors.
Plone logo use and modification policy
Several questions in the past week have led us to conclude that the current policy on logo usage is not sufficiently clear for the community to easily understand. We encourage the next board to address this issue.
Joel shared the experience he gained on past projects that the important legal requirement is a review process, and not related to our marketing goals.
Geir will checkin with Dave Powsner to verify Joel's assertion that a review process is all we need to satisfy the legal requirements.
Jon will solicit input from Mark Corum during the conference, to equip the next board to make some good decisions here.
Plone.org/net Hosting Updates
Geir + SteveM: Geir has chatted with Wiggy, he is reviewing 6FeetUp's proposal.
Geri will continue to poke at Wiggy, goal is to be ready to take a decisions by end of October.
Jon will do same with David Sapiro and Pilot team.
Board elections
Call for nomiations is out, we have 9 candidates so far. Darci will send around a final reminder. Hanno has agreed to handle receiving votes and counting them. Darci will send announcements to start voting.
Nominations close monday evening, 10pm Eastern Time.
Annual Membership Meeting Agenda
Jon to email membership-announce, plone-users and/or conf attendees list with annual meeting date/time at conference.
We discussed the rough draft agenda.
Jon and Darci to finish.
Self evaluation of this board term
Things we think we did well
Good, assertive leadership of the community in a graceful way
PSPS 2008
More regular meetings
Much improved visibility/communication with the broader community
Good chemistry
Lots of active listening in meetings and online
We were easy to facilitate
Regular biweekly meetings felt like the right rhythym
Things we'd like to improve
Processes are still not perceived as being sufficiently transparent by membership/community.
Need to be more aggressive at pushing information out regularly via email.
Need to provide more structured, formal leadership to membership committee specifically, and to committees generally.
More anticipation about how to proactively schedule around vacations in the summer -- possibly fewer, longer meetings in the summer.
Google calendar was a bit awkward for scheduling.
Didn't get all the way through Plone.net sponsorship plan execution.