Minutes, November 13, 2008
Plone Foundation board meeting minutes for November 13, 2008
Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors
Meeting called to order by Jon at 12:04 PST
Present: Jon, Darci, Matt, Alex, Nate, Geir, Steve
Absent: None
Agenda Approved
Approval of Minutes for October 30, 2008
Jon moved, Alex seconded; passed by consensus.
1-minute updates
World Plone Day (Nate)
Great success; numbers still coming in. Lots of activity on evangelism list. Thinking about preparations for next year. Nate suggested we do it every year.
Current estimate: 987 attendees. Expect to rise over 1,000.
Alex: it helped us figure out what materials we’re missing.
News release suggested. Nate will take responsibility.
Plone.org domain re-registration/consolidation and SSL certificate (SteveM)
Re-reg. consolidation, complete. still working on certificate.
Advisory board members (Geir, Jon)
Contacting of candidates still under way. Steve took responsibility for one.
Plone.Net sponsorship
Jon is working on final announcements and in touch with Toby about billing coordination. Soft launch may happen in next week. We may be doing a quarterly processing of annual subscriptions.
Ongoing Business
2009 Conference selection process (SteveM, Jon, Matt, Geir)
Conference review team (Jon, Matt, Geir, Steve) asked questions, got excellent, very specific answers.
Calendar calls for relay on 15th to community
General agreement to bring both proposals to membership.
We have final versions with answers to questions.
Presentation PDFs to be placed on Plone.Org
Discussion on how it should be decided; general agreement on announcement/discussion on PF membership list. Matt suggested scheduling IRC times for any community member to participate. General agreement.
Jon will create survey for receiving PF member votes.
Jon moved we bring both proposals forward to PF Membership for discussion and advisory vote.
Matt seconded
Passed by consensus
Plone.org/Plone.net Hosting (Geir)
Plone.net plans proceeding smoothly.
A brief report on Wichert's evaluation of 6FeetUp's hosting proposal, questions and comments from the board.
We have Wichert’s feedback on 6FU proposal. Open question about how bandwidth limitation works. Can we move the most bandwidth-intensive operations elsewhere?
How is SFU bandwidth measured?
Geir will pursue this w/ SFU. Also concerning their support obligations.
Plonegov.us/Plonegov.org (Geir, Jon)
Jon moved the board adjourn to executive session for discussion of this topic; unanimously agreed.
Executive session adjourned, regular meeting resumed.
Steve moved that the Foundation request Jon
release the plonegov.us domain or transfer it to the Plone Foundation. If he chooses to transfer it the foundation, we will reimburse him for reasonable registrar fees up to $50.
Darci seconded
Unanimously passed.
Steve moved that the Foundation request the PloneGov project to clarify on their website their policies for use of PloneGov name and marks and for membership in their organization.
Matt seconded
Unanimously passed.
Attendance Policy Resolution (Jon)
Deferred to next meeting
Adjourned at 13:21 PST
Next meeting 2008-11-20.