Minutes, March 13, 2008

Board meeting minutes of March 13, 2008.

Present: Joel, Jon, Steve, Nate, Alex

Absent: Geir, Darci (joined late)



In Darci's absence, Jon called the meeting to order at 12:15pm.

Jon moved to approve Feb 21 minutes, with corrections to the Plone.org Content Policy section.

Nate seconded.

Unanimously approved.


Officer reports


Resolution of Thanks

The board unanimously approved a resolution:

Whereas the Penn State team has done an excellent job organizing and hosting Plone Symposium East 2008, the Plone Foundation officially congratulates them and thanks them for their service to Plone.



Conference Planning (Joel)

Joel has announced extension to interested groups, but not put it out publicly.

New due date will be: ~March 29th.

Not likely that there will be more than two bids: likely DC and Prague.

Jon will attempt to drum up some excitement.


Content Policy Workgroup (Steve)

Steve noted that plone.org asserts a shared copyright in the documentation section.

IP Committee is willing to put together some suggestions for how to get to our goal of CC licensing.  Steve will work with them to get there.


Marketing Committee (Nate)

Next action item is to get committee members engaged and put together roadmap with Mark Corum

Nate will be reviewing marketing roadmap submitted by a community member.

Plone.org visual design update (limi): Netsight have proposed some visual designs.  We'll see where that leads, Alex thinks they're heading down the right path, but that we should put this behind information architecture.


Plone.net (Jon)

Have 19 completed surveys from the pool of 50 Plone.net providers that we surveyed.  Generally strong support for the proposal.  Jon will review the results, amend the plan as necessary, bring a revised plan to the board at our next meeting, and work with the Plone.net team on an implementation plan.


Sprint Sponsorship Plan

General agreement with the idea of circulating Nate's sprint sponsorship plan as something that we will activate if the Plone Foundation sponsorship process is successful.


Discussion of David Siedband creating a "sprint kit" section of Plone.org in the sprints section.  Joel will get it done.



Country Specific Plone Sites (Joel)

Policy was approved.  Need to announce.   Jon will finalize and announce.


Data Portability

Jon will work with Christian Scholz to polish up the News Item which announces Christian's participation in the Data Portability Project on behalf of the Plone community.


New announce-only list

The board briefly discussed the need to have a low-volume list that we are reasonably certain is being read by all actively engaged members of the Plone community.


We decided to re-invigorate plone-announce list as a low-traffic, highly moderated list for key announcements of broad community interest. 

Joel will work with Jon on posting guidelines and implementation thereof.


Next meeting 

 Next meeting: March 27