Minutes, July 3, 2008

Plone Foundation board meeting minutes

Present: Jon, Alex, Darci, Steve

Absent: Nate, Joel, Geir



Darci called the meeting to order at 12:05pm.

Jon moved that we approved the June 12 minutes.

Alex seconded.  Approved unanimously.


Officer reports

President: Darci is funneling LinuxWorld emails to David Siedband as they come in.

Jon: Nothing not otherwise covered at this time.


Committee Reports

Membership Committee (Darci)

About to move forward with processing 3 applicants.


Trademark/IP Committee (Darci)

Status report on current activities received via email from Paul via Geir.  


Marketing Committee (Alex)


Plone.org design updates moving forward with Matt Hamilton.  Updates to java chat and Nabble forums.


Mark Corum has conducted several marketing emails with key segment representatives.



By-laws Work Group (Jon, Steve, Darci)


We owe some work to the board. ;-)



Content Policy Workgroup (SteveM)

No action on licensing issues; docs team is assigning section editors!


2008 Conference Status Update (Joel & Jon)

Sponsorship process has gone very well.

Registration opened July 1; email announcements will go out after lunch.

Sprint/training registration materials up.  All in good shape.

Joel will be in DC in about week to identify NGO-centric lists to push to in the DC area.   Need additional help to reach beyond the Plone choir.

Old Business

Sprint Kit section on plone.org

No action


Plone.org Infrastructure

Joel and Jon met in-person in Seattle.  We have determined that the place we need to focus is on system administration, rather than physical hosting or the Plone software layer.  Jon and Joel will follow-up with Alan Runyan as a potential champion.


Release Manager Policy (Alex)

Alex emailed Wiggy with our proposed schedule of $3k per minor (.x) release, $5k per major release.

We briefly discussed how we can help strengthen the framework team as a way of cultivating a future stream of release manager talent for 4.x and beyond.  We discussed the idea of asking the FWT to recommend future release managers.  Steve suggested formally convening the FWT in DC.  We'd like to encourage the FWT to write down its rules & procedures.


Version Support Policy (Alex + Joel)

Joel will summarize our intention for updating Plone.org, via email to Alex + Wiggy.


New business

Community recognition at the conference

Darci mentioned a desire to recognize community members at the conference.  Jon & Darci volunteered to work on this.



Conference Process 2009 + Beyond

Joel mentioned desire to have a more unified sponsorship program for the conference; one big ask with more uniform recognition & benefits.

Jon will circulate current process draft for more feedback.