Minutes, January 17, 2008
Present: Jon Stahl, Nate Aune, Geir Baekholt, Steve McMahon, Joel Burton
Absent: Darci Hanning
Summary of Followup Tasks
- Geir will talk to committee about David covering TM issues, SFLC should cover licensing issues.
- Nate will work on getting additional marketing material ready for the summit
- Nate and Alex will consolidate and make sure the marketing mailing lists are operating the way we want [done]
- Alex is securing a place to stay for the participants at the summit [done]
- Alex will send mail that he's managing the transportation needs and how to get to SF, etc [done]
- Jon to contact companies for feedback on sponsorship plan (deferred)
- Jon will contact Xavier regarding use of PloneGov [done]
- Nate prepared a process for sprint funds for review, will send to lists once ready [done]
- Jon will contact Hector about plone.mx
- Joel will create a general recommendation for country-specific Plone sites [done]
Routine Housekeeping
Jon called the meeting to order at 12:06pm PST
Jon moved to approve the January 3 minutes. Darci seconded, unanimously approved
- Finalize and approve proposed agenda — approved
- Approve and publish 1/3/2008 meeting minutes — approved
Officer reports (President, Secretary, Treasure) — nothing specific to report
Committee reports (below)
Old business (below)
New business (below)
- Review all new action items (who does what by when)
- Next scheduled meeting: Jan 24, 2008.
Committee, Project Committee, and Work Group Reports
Membership Committee (Darci)
- Action Items:
- Review membership application queue
- Report: status on membership approval process (Geir and Darci)
Nothing to report at this time.
Trademark / IP Committee (Geir)
- What's the status of the Trademark committee page/folder? (e.g. has necessary content from this been incorporated into the Trademark/IP page/folder?)
- Report: status on potential trademark infringement from a commercial software company (legal advice on our options)
- Currently two possible infringements
- Minor infractions (content farming)
Paul has been tasked with updating the page/folder, David Powsner is helping out with preparing statements and getting things in order on the TM side.
ACTION: Geir will talk to committee about David covering TM issues, SFLC should cover licensing issues.
Marketing Committee (Nate)
- Brand audit update
- General status update
- Nate sent out an email about reforming the marketing committee
- Alexander put up an announcement asking for existing presentations and marketing material
- Jon has spoken to Mark Corum about the marketing agenda for the Planning Summit
- ACTION: Nate will work on getting additional material ready for the summit
- ACTION: Nate and Alex will consolidate and make sure the marketing mailing lists are operating the way we want
By-laws Work Group (Joel)
- Status update
Joel is still working on the changes, nothing specific to report yet.
Strategic Planning Work Group (Jon/Alex)
- Process on how to allocate funds to sponsor travel costs for deserving participants?
- General status update
- Currently, there's $2400 donated (matched by the Foundation to be $4800) for travel scholarships
- Alex has coordinated with Google to get rooms and food
- ACTION: Alex is securing a place to stay for the participants
- ACTION: Alex will send mail that he's managing the transportation needs and how to get to SF, etc
Content Policy Work Group (Steve)
- Status update
Hiatus until February
Old Business
plone.org Visual Re-design Project (Alex)
- Status update
Hiatus until February
Discussion on Sponsorship Plan for plone.net (Jon)
- Getting feedback:
- Random choices from Plone.net (?) - reach beyond the core.
- Alex will help Jon to identify.
- Discuss proposed expense budget.
- Alex pulled out feedback list for Jon to work with
- ACTION: Jon to contact companies for feedback
PloneGov (Jon)
- Was Xavier contacted regarding board's decision to approve use?
- ACTION: Jon will contact Xavier regarding use.
Allocating Foundation funds for Sprints (Nate)
- Process and criteria draft
- ACTION: Nate prepared a process for review, will send to lists once ready
Update on Zope 2 on Python 2.5 (Jon) [postponed]
- Note: this item will become higher in priority after the Strategic Planning even in February. Next steps will include:
- Confirm Wichert's role
- Identify cost and scope (Jon, Wichert, and Martijn)
- Start fund raising using the bounty approach
- Go forth and implement!
New Business
- Getting plone.org.mx and plone.com.mx transferred (see 11/11 email Subject: transfer of .mx domain names to Plone Foundation from Hector)
- ACTION: Jon will contact Hector about making this happen
- ACTION: Joel will create a general recommendation for country-specific Plone sites
Next meeting
- Next scheduled meeting: Jan 31, 2008.
- Agenda item to add: Help Wichert recruit more people to maintain plone.org