Minutes, February 21, 2008

Present: Jon Stahl, Steve McMahon, Nate Aune, Darci Hanning,  Alex Limi, Geir Baekholt

Absent: Joel Burton

Summary of Followup tasks

  • Jon will contact Hector about plone.mx to say, yes, we'd love to have it. [done]

  • Darci to reignite membership committee process improvements
  • Steve to take various followup actions on our new Plone.org content policy [done]
  • Alex will make sure the security team is listed on Plone.org
  • Jon will post our 2006 990 on the website, and link to our 501c3 determination letter [DONE]


Routine Housekeeping

Darci called the meeting to order

Jon moved to approve the January 31 minutes, Darci seconded.  Unanimously approved.


Officer reports

Toby provided a January financial statement via email.


Committee, Project Committee, and Workgroup Reports

Membership Committee (Darci)

Darci to refocus on this over the weekend, with help from Geir.


Trademark & IP Committee (Geir)

No updates on trademark infrigement issues.

There are still countries in which we haven't registered the Plone trademark (e.g. Ukraine).

Geir has asked the IP committee to make recommendations for cost/effort efficient countries to pursue.


Marketing Committee (Nate)

Digesting planning summit information.  Mailing lists consolidated to marketing-committee and general "evangelism" list.  Made basic Plone.org marketing committee page, and took over the marketing OpenPlans space, populated with some resources from Mark Corum and elsewhere.

Nate has a number of interested members, and will bring additional people on.


Bylaws Workgroup (Joel)

Joel absent.



Content Policy Workgroup (Steve)

Steve presented a set of recommendations, to adopt Creative Commons NC-Attrib-Sharealike license, hold off on implementing on the site until Plone 3 migration. 

Geir: can we put a note in the documentation section immediately, so we don't have to wait for software?

Steve moved that we adopt declare an intention to to work with the IP Committee to help us achieve the goal of having content in the documentation section of Plone.org licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 3.0 license.

Darci seconded.

Adopted unanimously.   Alex abstained explaining the hadn't read enough of the licensing language.

Followup actions:

  • Steve to contact Spanish folks to approve go-ahead with translation.
  • Steve will work with the IP committee to identify the steps necessary to implement the policy.
  • Steve will work on the technical details, with IP Committee advice.
  • Steve will write a notification to the documentation mailing list and a news item for Plone.org after IP Committee consultation.




Strategic Planning Workgroup (Jon & Alex)

Darci's two questions:

1) Geir talked with Wichert about our desire to see a more robust Plone.org team.  Alex Clark and Calvin Hendryx-Parker have volunteered to serve.   Geir will continue followup to get them doing incremental work.

2)  Any other board-level followup tasks?  Ans: no.


Plone.net Sponsorship Plan

Next step is to seek feedback from Plone.net providers.


Plone Conference 2008

No proposals received yet.  Alex Clark is known to be working on one.  Nate reports that Boston folks may be considering a bid.

Darci will send a reminder, and see what feedback Joel's gotten.


Plone.org Security Team

Alex will make sure the security team is listed on the site.


Plone.org Visual Redesign Effort

Alex is talking to a few designers.  Geir reported that he, Nate, Mark and Matt Hamilton talked about reorganizing Plone.org content to be more marketing oriented.  Matt and his team are chasing that a bit further, and we'll continue content conversations on the marketing list.



New Business

Financial Statements

We were asked by Matthew Wilkes if we have publicly-available financial statements.

Our most recent IRS 990 filing is available at


Jon said that we should more publicly post our 990 on the website, and a link

to our 501c3 determination letter.  General consensus.

Jon will request that Toby pull a 2006 year-end financial statement for review by the board.  UPDATE: Jon notes that 2006 financial statements (and various other financial records are in public SVN at http://dev.plone.org/collective/browser/PloneFoundationDocs


Next meeting

  • Next scheduled meeting: March 6, 2008.