Minutes, December 4, 2008
Minutes of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors
John called the meeting to order at 12:04pm PDT
Attending: Jon, Steve, Darci, Alex, Geir
Absent: Matt (excused), Nate (excused)
Advisory Board Members present: Roberto
Agenda approved by consensus
Minutes approved by consensus
Jon moved, Darci seconded
Two-minute updates
Plone.org/Plone.net hosting (Geir)
Geir is in correspondence with 6FU, re plone.org
Plone.net proposal informally reviewed by Geir
Jon will contact David to say we’re getting ready to move.
Plone.net sponsorship plan (Jon)
This is at the stage of finalizing wording. Goal to be accepting sponsorships before end of year. Jon would like language feedback.
Membership Committee Reboot (Darci)
Darci is still working on draft communications w/ committee
Expect processing of current applications by committee or board end of year.
Marketing Committee Reboot email discussion (Nate)
Nate unavailable, skipped
Logo Usage Policy (Nate, Matt)
Matt unavailable, skipped
Meat and Potatoes
PloneGov update - Alex, Jon (10 minutes)
PloneGov.us no longer has content that might be confused with the PloneGov project.
No immediate reaction required.
Xavier has agreed to work on transparency of PloneGov procedures and memberships.
Matt and Nate are working on clarifying our language on fair use to note that it’s not OK to claim names of other projects for your own.
EU Funding Opportunity - Geir, Jon
Discuss EU funding opportunity per Xavier's email, a project that could fund work on weak links within and from Zope to Plone and to create missing generic tools.
Substantial opportunity available with EU project; Geir: looks like it would be very helpful to Plone community. Collaborators needed. Xavier would like PF listed as a supporting organization. Geir will work with Xavier on writing technical parts.
First phase success would mean larger approval process. Nothing soon.
No financial risk for PF in expressing support.
Xavier also asked for a liaison, Geir is willing to do that.
Jon moved we express support for ZEA Partners in this venture; Geir seconded.
Unanimously approved
Choosing a 2009 Conference Venue
Jon noted 39 PF member advisory votes for Budapest, 25 for Barcelona; comments were very useful. Budapest costs and EE attendee subsidies liked, wifi weak, video good; Barcelona: liked location and facilities, staff. Liked WiFi plan, weak on video, expense.
Discussion noted that both proposals are excellent, and PF member vote is decisive factor.
Jon noted he’d like to distill comments to give feedback to proposers.
Geir moved acceptance of Budapest proposal; Steve seconded.
Approved unanimously (Nate voted +1 by proxy)
Jon will do notifications. Membership to be notified by 12th.
Financial Update - Jon
Recent deposits from Packt - best ‘other’ CMS award and Plone Conference 2008.
Jon noted that we’re at the point of actually needing a budget, since we’re actually going to have recurring revenue. Our priorities need to be developed.
Next Meeting: Dec 11th. Final meeting of year. Will move to bi-weekly if things stay calm.
Adjourned at: 12:47pm PDT.