Minutes, 2006/01/26
Minutes from the January 26 2006 board call.
Roll Call Attending: Joel, Jackie, Munwar, Alex, Ben Missing: Jodok, Geoff Observing: Paul, Toby Agenda Items 1) Approve and publish previous minutes from Dec 1. Jackie moves, Alex seconds. Approved by acclaim. 2) Approve agenda. Approved by acclaim. 3) Officer reports. (below) 4) Committee reports (below). 5) Old business (below). 6) New business (below). 7) Review newly-discussed action items. 8) Set time for next meeting. Officer Reports President Joel does bootcamps as a non-profit venture, 4 in next 3 months. Good story with lots of demand, how to get it out more widely? Also, status on non-profit status with SFLC and anticipatory income without endangering tax-exempt status. Vice President No report. Secretary Paul and Joel need to get Toby queued up. Treasurer Sent out P&L, no comment, presume ok. Paypal only lets you take a small amount in each transaction w/out a charge, so it takes a while to move it over. Still need to setup checkwriting authority. Need to give approval for Toby to send 2005 tax returns. Joel moves that Toby file the taxes based on the reports he has already sent. Munwar seconded. Toby has all the info he needs, pretty straightforward. Unanimous vote. Committee Reports Membership No report. Trademark No report. Marketing Jackie discussed the agenda point and mentioned that Jackie, Paul, and Mark are meeting face-to-face. Fundraising Munwar opened the discussion about how to bootstrap a committee and get some interest. Press Releases Jackie recapped the status note that she sent, with the information she collected about Europe-wide tech trade wire. Motion: Adopt the recommendation in Jackie's email to ask for donations on sending the press release to the stated markets, will not send press release out unless the right percentage is covered. Motion passes unanimously. New Business 1. (Paul) Vote on marketing team's positioning document. Paul moved that we vote on the proposal, with the amendments of: (a) remove the intranet part and (b) the compromise on the board list about content delivery's emphasis, plus a feedback loop from the Plone Syposium. Vote passed unanimously. Action Items 1. (Paul and Joel) Get Toby the papers he needs for signature. 2. (Joel) Ping Godefroid for membership update on the queue. 3. (Joel) Send a note setting up a fundraising chat. 4. (Munwar) Send note to community to start the fundraising group. 5. (Paul) Get with Alex and Jackie to send out the "bids for conference" email.