Minutes, Mar 17 2005
Roll Call Attending: Joel, Geoff, Norm, Marcel, Mark (proxy for Alan) Non-attending: Limi (can't call in), Alan (can't call in), Robert, Christian, Jodok, Paul (vacation) Observing: Minutes Roll call Approved minutes from last 2 meetings. Joel added new agenda item: a discussion of how we will vote for the location of the next Plone conference. Joel called for a vote on the agenda, approved. Officer Reports President Joel followed up with the discussion on Plone the Product on a new mailing list. The scope is to strengthen development teams, make clear what people’s development goals are, revitalize PLIP process. Joel has sent written approval of most recent invoices to Alan. Vice President No report. Treasurer Current balance is about $74,000. We have a liability to Zope Europe for Paul’s marketing work, after which we will probably be down to about $60,000. Secretary No report. Committee Reports Membership Committee There is a new membership application in. The committee will process applications when a big batch of applications comes in (or quarterly at the very least). IP Committee Paul has gotten draft of conservancy agreements from Eben. Trademark Committee No report. Marketing Committee The committee is now being run by Paul. He has assembled 6 core people including Whit Morriss. Their activites are mostly focused around the 2.1 release. They are working with the Porter Novelli people on media buy-in for articles, press coverage for 2.1. PN has really latched onto the idea of sprints as a vehicle for getting press attention for Plone. PN is looking for sprint sponsor for 2.1. Joel will contact the membership list about potential sprint. NYC/Boston areas are good candidates for media coverage. Abstract Edge + CA is a possibility. Fundraising Committee Mark is setting up PayPal donation capabilities. Old Business 1) (Limi) Re-send minutes for previous meeting. (Completed) 2) (Joel) Approve Alan's invoice for gifts. (Completed) 3) (Joel/Paul) Send PN/LW expenses. (Paul Completed) 4) (Alex/Paul) Send to board final Trademark Usage policy for a vote on next meeting's agenda. (Completed) 5) (Paul) Need to vote on who is legal counsel. Put on next agenda. (Completed) 6) (Mark) Send notes from the fundraising committee meeting and details on the proposal for PayPal on plone.org for fundraising targets. (Carry over to next week) 7) (Marcel) Make sure permanent call-in numbers are available for next call. CA is finalizing negotiations with a new company on international dial in numbers. Hopefully we will have new numbers on Monday. New Business 1) Offer of representation from Eben’s firm (software freedom law center). One concern: Eben is busy. However, offer is from his firm, not Eben. Offer is pro-bono. Joel moves: We accept the offer of the Software Freedom Law Center to be our legal representatives and instruct Paul to execute the agreement. Geoff seconds. Joel: +1, Geoff: +1, Norm: +1, Marcel: +1, Mark (voting for Alan): +1, Alex (via IRC): +1 Motion passes. 2) Voting procedure for Plone conference location. Joel asked Mark to look into bylaws to see if we can establish quorum with some people on IRC only. Joel requested that we talk about how voting for conference proposals should work. How long should we keep open? Geoff argued for 1 week given mailing list delays. How should voting work? Joel argued for simple majority, single choice (no weighted voting) Mark points out should be put forward as a motion for the membership. Should have period of discussion period beforehand; long voting time will serve this purpose. Mark suggests we have written guidelines for voting procedures (e.g. can people change their votes during the week?). Joel will write up; Mark will review. Marcel: +1, Geoff: +1, Jodok: +1, Limi: +1, Norm: +1, Alan: +1, Mark: +1 Action Items 1) (Mark) Send notes from the fundraising committee meeting and details on the proposal for PayPal on plone.org for fundraising targets. 2) (Joel and Mark) Joel will write up an overview of how the voting process for the Plone Conference will work. Mark will review. 3) (Mark) Look into the possibility of having board members participate in meetings via IRC only rather than by phone.