Minutes, 2005/12/01
Minutes from the December 1 2005 board call.
Roll Call Attending: Joel, Jodok, Munwar, Geoff, Ben, Alex Missing: Alan Observing: Paul (Alan's proxy), Toby, Jackie Agenda Items 1) Approve and publish previous minutes from Oct 27. Jodok moves to accept, Joel seconds. Approved by acclaim. 2) Approve agenda. Agenda was proposed by Paul, Jodok seconds. Approved by acclaim. 3) Officer reports. (below) 4) Committee reports (below). 5) Old business (below). 6) New business (below). 7) Review newly-discussed action items. 8) Set time for next meeting. Officer Reports President Joel gave a recap of the short face-to-face board meeting in San Jose as well as the long planning session. One topic was a budget. Presumed a decent income stream. Plone.net and other income to offset expenses. Also discussed release managemeent. How will decisions get made. Alex tasked to ask Stefan about being RM. Alec has agreed! Vice President No report. Secretary Paul mentioned the workflow of board minutes, including publication. Joel said it is fine to mention minutes on weblogs, as a way to give some internal visibility to the membership. Treasurer Toby previously sent a written report. Recurring charge of $29, nobody can identify it yet. Summary of balance sheet, income statement, and payables. Joel asked if the check was sent for tax-exempt. Toby said it is going out today. Joel moved to give Toby check writing authority as an appointed officer as treasurer. Paul seconded. Vote was Joel +1, Jodok +1, Munwar +1, Geoff +1, Ben +1. Committee Reports Membership Moving a bit slowly on the merit criteria. Haven't reached consensus yet and so haven't processed new applications. Trademark Paul will send along Andrew Hatton's status report. Marketing Jackie gave an update on the re-orientation note sent to the marketing committee. Two different lists, focused on interests: business marketing and marketing collateral vs. advocacy and community outreach. Haven't met with any no-votes. Joel noted that some of the under-sexy, higher-utility activities (like plone.org home page, sales collateral) will get attention which is good for the PF. Plone.net Paul gave a status update on the M1 announcement made to the plonenet list today. Munwar asked about the pricing model. Joel said he would send the mailing list the board planning meeting's thoughts on this. Ben suggested a control panel add-on to register a site. Paul mentioned the issue tracker. Fundraising Joel mentioned discussion at the board planning session and the two ideas kicked forward. Munwar will have more time available to help on fundraising. Paul volunteered to help. Joel discussed the fundraising on the press release. Toby mentioned that there is an international option on the wire release. Old Business Not discussed. New Business 1) (Paul) Relationshp b/w PF and conferences. Paul mentioned that last year the PF ran the selection process for the conference. Should the PF have more relation, less relation, or the same? Ben brought up the trademark issue and Joel agreed that the absolute minimum is the PF approves any conference using Plone in the name. Jodok felt we should have a coordination role to avoid lots of duplication and potentially poor turnout, with the board being involved. Joel mentioned the close timing with the New Orleans event and its impact. Alex said that Alan's point about the material being put on plone.org is correct. Joel gave some background on Alan's request. Geoff mentioned that this should be a rule as a condition for anointing a conference. Toby wondered if the big conference be a higher level than the regional conference, to avoid overlap and keep attendence high. Jackie discussed how the brand can get impacted by poor events, and thus, the board has a role. Ben proposed that a lightweight approach might be, must get a PF member to endorse an event proposal. Paul suggested that, if we want PF oversight, we need someone to manage the responsibility. A conference ad-hoc committee would fit. Jodok volunteered. 2) (Paul) Decide on process for approving committer access. Via note from Wiggy. Alex explained the background problem and proposed that he get a volunteer to be the central intake point for approving contributors. 3) (Joel) Joel moved that we accept Alan's board resignation and appoint Jackie to serve in his position until the next election. Jodok seconded. Munwar explained the need for communication. Joel will communicate this as part of the release manager communication. Roll call on Jackie's appointment: Joel +1, Jodok +1, Munwar +1, Ben +1, Alex +1. (Geoff off the call at that point.) Paul, as proxy, accepted resignation. 4) (Alex) Discussion of plone.org migration. All is well, need to clean up a bunch of accounts. How do we handle dead-letter accounts? Wiggy proposed a policy. 5) (Godefroid) Does the membership committee act on applications, or recommend to the board? The latter. Action Items 1) (Paul) Publish the minutes. 2) (Toby) Send Joel a recommendation on second signature. 3) (Paul) Send Andrew Hatton's status report. 4) (Joel) Send Toby a piece of paper saying he's a real officer. 5) (Joel) Send plonenet mailing list the board planning session's ideas on pricing model. 6) (Jackie) Work with Paul and Toby on a policy for press releases, funding, and countries. 7) (Jodok) Propose a policy by the next board meeting concerning how the PF handles conference planning and the relationship. 8) (Alex) Identify a volunteer for managing new contributor access.