Víctor Fernández de Alba

Who I am:

I've been part of the Plone community since 2006 and I've only missed two Plone Conferences since then. I attended to community organised sprints since 2011 and helped to organize the 2012 Strategic Testing sprint in Barcelona and I was the main organizer of the Plone Mosaic Sprint Barcelona in 2014. I'm currently the team leader of the new plone.org project and Plone Foundation member since 2014.

I'm co-author of plone.app.multilingual and I'm contributing to the Plone core since 2010. I also was member of the team that made the new Barceloneta default Plone 5 theme a reality.

I currently work for the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech since 2001 as web expert and IT engineer. The university has more than 450 Plone sites deployed to the date, including the main institutional sitedepartmentsfaculties and other satellite sites.

Nomination seconded by:

Paul Roeland

Ramon Navarro Bosch

Christina McNeill