Carol Ganz

Plone business specialist and evangelist. Interested in helping promote Plone outside of our traditional markets to new kinds of customers. Currently on the Board of Directors

Who I am.

I have spent the last 8 years at Six Feet Up promoting Plone and becoming an open-source evangelist. I first started as a project manager, then quickly got promoted to Director of Hosting Services and am currently the Director of Client Services. All day long I help our clients in their quest for the perfect technology to support their web projects.

Why I’m interested.

I believe Plone is one of the best open source CMS’ on the market but one of the less effectively promoted. I would like to represent the viewpoint of non-developers and be the bridge between developers in the Plone community and end-users. End-users have a unique set of concerns about using Plone that is not often heard during the technical discussions around Plone.

What I Bring.

After 3 terms on the Board, I have a solid understanding of the responsibilities and processes that power the organization.  I am known for bringing a unique point of view to board discussions.

As any professional cat herder, I will ensure a good knowledge transfer between the previous board members and the new ones.

Plone Foundation Members Who Second My Nomination


  • Gabrielle Hendryx-Parker
  • Calvin Hendryx-Parker
  • Paul Roeland
  • Chrissy Wainwright
  • Kim Nguyen