Calvin Hendryx-Parker

Father, Dreamer, Adventurer, Technologist, Programmer, Active Plone Community Member and Evangelist.


Who am I?

I am the Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder of Six Feet Up, Inc., a WBENC certified Women's Business Enterprise based in the United States of America that specializes in Plone and Python-based development, hosting and deployment. Six Feet Up hosts the site and has led numerous Plone Tune-ups since the summer of 2008.

I provide both Six Feet Up and its clients with recommendations on tools and technologies, systems architecture and solutions that address specific information-sharing needs.

I have been involved with Plone since the first conference in 2003, and have been contributing to Tune-Ups by helping clean up and close many bugs. Before that, I had been advising on Zope/CMF work since the inception of Six Feet Up in 1999. We established Six Feet Up with a philosophy of giving back. Giving back is a part of the way we live our lives and we wanted to make it a part of our business as well. We found that this matches well with open source community.

I am well-known in the Plone Community as an excellent speaker who can communicate effectively with all levels of an organization.

I have been a contributor to the Plone Core since Nov 2007, and a Member of the Plone Framework Team and a current member of the Plone Foundation Board.

I have actively evangelized Plone to groups outside of the Plone community through speaking engagements. I have attended all Plone conferences except for the 2nd, and all symposiums that have been in the US. I have spoken at all conferences and symposium that I have attended except for the first conference. I did attend the 1st Plone Strategic Planning Summit in 2008 and attended many sprints including the Goldegg Castle Sprint.

Why I'm interested?

Plone is one of the best Content Management Systems around. It also happens to have one of the best communities of users, developers and integrators that I have ever seen in an Open Source project. Some of the brightest people I have ever met are working with or on Plone.

We need to ensure that this community grows and encourages others to participate. I want to continue to get the Plone name and story in front of more decision makers and help enable others to spread the word.

Our community needs to do more to promote itself and the lively ecosystem of companies that use and develop Plone. Volunteers and professionals alike contribute to our community. We should share and promote, not just Plone, but the community and the hard work of its members.

I believe that by being a board member, I can continue to contribute to our ongoing community efforts to grow as a community and a software.

What will I bring to the Plone Foundation?

  • Strong leadership in a time where we need to grow and expand (referring to two supported versions, etc)
  • Proven ability to successfully promote Plone to highly visible and sizable organizations
  • Energy to follow through on things the community has been wanting for years
  • Support for trying new ideas while keeping things that have worked for the community
  • Ability to bring people together
  • A commitment to listening to a broad range of people who make up the community
  • Consistency in the board

Plone Foundation members that "second" my nomination

  • Jon Stahl
  • Matthew Wilkes