Agenda, Plone Foundation Board Meeting 2012-11-01



  • attendance
  • approval of the minutes of October 18th
    + check if action items were followed up

New Business


  • Incoming correspondence:
    - Catalonian community site/domain
    - Open Source in Government Use Case Studies
    - new and renewed sponsorships
    - incoming question on how to become a Plone provider.
  • Start creating an overall budget for 2013, with separate budgets for marketing and Sprint support.
  • Start creating a higher-level plan (for instance 3 years) on a money raising strategy
  • Start creating a higher-level plan (for instance 3 years) on spending strategy
  • Naming of regional Plone gatherings

Old business


  • Discussion of goals and expectations for this term.
  • Discussion on board transparency and task tracking.
  • Structure of the Marketing Committee / Communication Team
  • Membership Committee short progress report
  • Discussion of Advisory board members
  • Contributor agreement process
  • progress/discussion