Registration Portal ILPO - University of Jyväskylä
University of Jyväskylä in Finland university utilises Plone 6 in their registration portal of continuous learning ILPO to allow students register, buy and enroll to courses, and save editors time by easy content editing and various integrations to multiple other systems.
The university needed a portal through which users could:
- Register as university users using trusted methods like passports or bank authentication
- Browse through available courses
- Buy courses
- Buy courses using discount coupons
Technically, the portal needed to have:
- Easy editing for content editors
- High security
- Integration to study information system
- Integration to workflow engine Camunda
- Integrations to authentication systems, both domestic and international
- Integrations to LMSs used in the university
- Integration to identity management
- Visual presentation of the workflow to easily identify where users might get stuck
All this should be:
- Very easy to use despite the complex process
- University branded
- Accessible
- Mobile friendly
- Free of any licence costs
- Extensible for future purposes
This development was done by digital services unit at the university. Based on their previous experience, they knew that Plone would be a good fit for this case. Plone 6 provided a fast and easy-to-use interface. Plone 6's React frontend was easy to extend and Plone Rest API provided vast integration possibilities.
In the future, more features and integrations will be added to the site.
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