Plone Foundation Welcomes 5 Members

The Plone Foundation is proud to welcome 5 new members from 5 countries: Alexander Pilz, Giacomo Spettoli, Juan Pablo Giménez, Andy Leeb, and Manabu Terada. Plone Foundation membership recognizes significant and enduring contributions to Plone and confers a voice in governing the Plone Foundation.

Alexander Pilz of Germany heads

GmbH. Alexander has been working with Plone since 2001 and has helped make Syslab a leader in open source, making many contributions to Plone packages. Recently, Alexander helped organize the Beer and Wine sprint, working collaboratively with the German and South African Plone communities.

Giacomo Spettoli of Italy works with Redturtle Technology. He's been active on the Installer and Framework Teams and has become a key organizer for the Documentation Team. He's the lead maintainer for the Plone Windows Installer and has participated in sprints in four countries during the past year.

Juan Pablo Giménez of Argentina currently works with the Brazilian company Simples Consultoria. He promoted Plone to the Argentinian government and co-authored the " Plone 3 Products Development Cookbook." Juan has given Plone talks at several South American events and helped organize World Plone Day activities in his home city of Rosario. He's contributed to several core and collective projects, including collective.cover.

Andy Leeb of the United States, is a partner in Anderson Leeb, Inc., a Plone integration and hosting company. He’s serving his first term on the Plone Foundation's Board of Directors, where he's been working on intellectual property issues. Andy has contributed documentation, maintained Add-ons, and was a sponsor and organizer for the 2012 Sea Sprint.

Manabu Terada of Japan is the Founder and the CEO of CMS Communications Inc., a Tokyo-based professional Plone and Python development company. He has served as an Advisory Member of the Plone Foundation Board and is a core member of Plone Users Japan. Manabu is a key developer and maintainer for Plone's East Asian language functionality and has been Chairman of PyCon JP and PyCon APAC.

The new members were unanimously accepted by the Plone Foundation’s Board of Directors after recommendation by the Membership Committee. There are now 124 active Foundation members. Learn more about the Plone Foundation.