Regional Plone forums available

A little while ago, we consolidated all the country/region/language-specific mailing lists for Plone, and made them available in a forum format via Nabble. So if you prefer getting help with Plone in your own language, check out the list below!

The regional lists are accessible here: "Regional Plone forums": …and as of this writing includes forums for the following countries: - Germany - Portugal and Brazil - Cono Sur (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay) - Italy - Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland) - China - Belgium - France - Australia - New Zealand - Netherlands - Hungary If you don't see your country/region on the list, and believe there's enough activity to warrant a separate list for your area, please send a mail to limi at, and I'll be happy to set something up for you — whether you already have an existing mailing list you want to add, or a new one. Enjoy!