Transition to new server complete

We have moved everything over to a new server, new shared LDAP authentication for SVN and Plone itself - and upgraded to Plone 2.1 and Zope 2.8.

We have flipped the switch, and the new server is now serving up with Squid + CacheFu to get the performance we need for such a large community site. We still have some work left adding back the Books portlet, the training portlet and other small UI adjustments. The site looks horrible in Internet Explorer right now, this will also be fixed. (Update: this is now fixed) You can also not add news and events just yet, this will be added within the next 24 hours. There may also be some permissions issues with the new LDAP back-end, we are investigating this - send us a mail if you have problems doing something you used to have the permissions to do. Poke around, enjoy the upgrade and send any comments about things that don't seem to work the way they should or missing items to the "Plone Web Site":/contact#website list. PS: For the contributors using the Documentation area and the Products area: you might have to switch off Kupu in your editing preferences for the time being, as it has not been properly tested yet. PPS: For those wondering why the upgrade took longer than expected + the teething problems — has been running on the same instance since the 0.8.5 release, and has never been fully up-to-date with the newer Plone releases. This time, we started from scratch and brought all the content into a clean 2.1.1 instance. In addition, is one of the first consumers of the new PAS-based authentication back-end, due to be included in the upcoming (as yet unnamed) next version of Plone — and this means there will be some initial rough edges, but it is for the greater good of Plone itself to work this out before the release ships to the public. **We hope you enjoy the new!**