World Plone Day 2024 Recap
World Plone Day (WPD) 2024 was held on April 17, 2024. WPD is a worldwide event that results in bunch of new and interesting videos about using and developing Plone, and the community around it.

World Plone Day 2024 Recap

World Plone Day (WPD) 2024 was held on April 17, 2024. It is a worldwide event that results in a bunch of new and interesting videos about using and developing Plone, and the community around it.

Local events and online activity:

  • Axolote Sprint in Mexico
  • WPD Event in Brazil
  • WPD Event in Italy
  • Over 40 new videos
  • Over 24 Hours of content
  • Content created in multiple languages, including  English, Italian, Japanese, German, Romanian, Finnish, Spanish and Portuguese. 

See the whole playlist.

Thank you everyone who participated or provided content!

World Plone Day 2024 highlights

WPD featured a wide range of content this year such as:

  • Plone 6 - lots of love for the latest Plone version
  • Plone community and Plone Foundation - join the community around the World
  • Use cases - examples of how Plone is used in different scenarios
  • Google Summer of Code 2024 - Plone-related projects
  • Migrations, security, programming - hear why Plone excels under the hood

Here are just some selected highlights from the videos:

The power of Plone distributions

Philip Bauer talks how you can easily create a sharable and customizable Plone installation with predefined content using Plone Distributions.

Building Plone’s Headless CMS Story

Presented by Victor Fernandez de Alba. You can use Plone as a flexible and powerful backend and build your own fronend using Plone Rest API.

The Anatomy of a Block

Dante Alvarez presents us the anatomy of a Volto Block. Plone 6 user interface consists of flexible building blocks.

Documentation Tools You Can Use in Your Project

Steve Piercy showcases the toolset used by the Plone community to document their projects. You can use them too!

Google Summer of Code 2024 and Plone

Eric Bréhault talks about Google Summer of Code 2024 and Plone and how you can contribute.

When you REALLY Need a Plone Site

Sally Kleinfeldt explores the decision-making process for building a website with Plone.

View the full playlist

Play the videos on the World Plone Day 2024 playlist to relive the entire event.

All content is available on the Plone YouTube channel. Remember to subscribe while you are there!