Plone Tune-Up Days Recap 3 (Feb - May 2024)
Plone Tune-Up Days are running every third Friday of the month and here is the next short summary of the progress that has been made.

Plone Tune-Up Days Recap 3 (Feb - May 2024)

Plone Tune-Up Days are running every third Friday of the month, and here is a next short summary of the progress that has been made.

Plone Tune-Up is about working on Plone issues, together, online. Programming, documentation, marketing, infrastructure, learning Plone, content creation, discussions - all can be done during the day, whenever it suits you in your specific time zone. Below is a summary of some of the things that were done and a more complete list is available also.

Plone Tune-Up February 2024

The seventh Tune-Up took place on 16 February 2024 , and seven (how apt) people worked on the following:

  • a proposal was written for Google Season of Docs to apply for a grant to hire a professional technical writer and provide stipends to participants who reveiw pull requests and work with the technical writer
  • there was a discussion to update and the event bot in Discord and the Discord recurring event was updated to CET timezone all day
  • worked on the 2FA plugins for Plone & Volto and created some basic documentation
  • organized open issues into a spreadsheet
  • created milestone - Plone Version Next, and created new project board - Long-Term Backlog. Gave all open issues in Github both a milestone and a project
  • cleared some duplicate issues
  • Meeting to review github project and milestones
  • improvements were made to events & sprints pages
  • social media posts scheduled
  • demo-ed Volto Light Theme for other marketing team members
  • scraped the Discord channel to update the tuneup day summary of work done

Plone Tune-Up March 2024

The 15 March 2024 Tune-Up had 6 participants, including some new faces. Work included:

  • Volto core issues
  • World Plone Day prep
  • Tweaks to News and events pages to make items easier to find

Plone Tune-Up April 2024

The 19 April 2024 Tune-Up was just after World Plone Day 2024 so that was the main focus of the day. Attendance was understandably quite low after a busy Plone week. Work was done on:

  • putting together some WPD 2024 YouTube stats
  • looking at Buffer social media scheduling app that is now being used instead of Hootesuite. It worked well for scheduling messages for WPD.

Plone Tune-Up May 2024

17 May 2024 had more participants again (5), and this Tune-Up Day took place during the Beethoven sprint. People worked on:

  • WPD2024 videos - checking them for language accessibility
  • reviving the Plone newsletter
  • discussing fundraising options
  • code was reviewed including fullcalendar
  • lots of other work during the Beethoven Sprint

Feeling Plonely? Join the next Tune Up on Friday 21 June 2024!