Priorities for the 2023 Plone Foundation Board
The new Board decided on its objectives for 2023

Priorities for the 2023 Plone Foundation Board

The new Foundation Board's objectives for 2023

Part of the motivation for being a member of the Plone Foundation Board is to help set priorities and overarching goals for the year. 

Having as wide a representation and a variety of points of view as possible on the Board makes it easier for the Board to address the overall needs of the diverse Plone community and project.

These are the 2023 priorities for the Board:

  • Clarify the role of and strengthen the Plone Foundation: 
    • communicating more clearly why being a member of the Foundation is important
    • recruiting more Foundation members 
    • increasing members’ involvement in the life of the Foundation
  • Ensure that the role of the Board is to oversee and assist the Plone project and community, not to manage directly.
  • Empower the community:
    • nurture new participation and leadership within the community
    • assist technical teams in working together, with a revamped Steering Circle
    • renew the accessibility (“a11y”) team, update our VPAT statement for Plone 6
    • renew our subcommunities, including PloneEdu, PloneGov, regional and language-specific groups
  • Improve Plone’s documentation and market positioning:
    • deduplicate information currently found in both our documentation and training materials
    • clarify and document the different parts of the Plone ecosystem (Zope, Plone, Volto vs Classic, Guillotina)
  • Create a relationship with Plone service providers:
    • highlight providers’ successes and capabilities
    • grow sponsorships to include more providers, consultants, and individuals
  • Modernize the Plone contributor agreement process

The new 2023 Board looks forward to setting these priorities in motion, and we would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions! Please reach out to us at

More information about the Foundation and the Board