Plone 6.0.2 released

This is the second patch release for Plone 6.0, released February 27th 2023. Scanning through the detailed changelogs to create this news item there aren't big changes, as it should be for a patch release, but many smaller improvements and fixes to the overall code base.

Detailed release notes can be found in the announcement from our release manager.

Scanning through the detailed changelogs to create this news item there aren't big changes, as it should be for a patch release, but many smaller improvements and fixes to the overall code base. This can be metadata on the packages, linting configuration, removing deprecation warnings and updating compatability information. And of course there are many small functional non breaking editions to end points and small bugs fixed.


Many of these changes were made at the Alpine City Sprint held at the beginning of February, where our community members worked on larger long term efforts like improving CI, cleaning up our codebase, remove cyclic dependencies and improve the inheritance/importing structure.

Some bigger changes that could interest you:

  • has a major version increase with a breaking change on HTTP 301/302 status codes.
  • plone.restapi receives new endpoints for cache rule control.
  • Many packages had their deprecation warning, compatible Plone/Python releases and code checking/linting updated.
  • Upgrade profiles were fixed, some ClassicUI barceloneta profiles were not run correctly
  • The patterns for the ClassicUI frontend have fixes in pat-livesearch, pat-relateditems, pat-datatables, and pat-select2.
  • Translation updates for tr, es, eu, de.

Volto Frontend

The default frontend for new Plone 6 sites is Volto . Latest release along Plone 6.0.2 is Volto 16.11.0. See the Volto changelog.

Note that Volto is a separate JavaScript frontend for which you need to run a server process with NodeJS. Also, existing Plone sites need some or more extensive changes to be upgrade to use the Volto Frontend, please read the upgrade and migration guides for more information. Selected improvements between Volto 16.9.0 and 16.11.0:

  • Add scss support in core
  • Use open in new tab setting for link types
  • Option for opening /edit with the same vertical offset like the page in view mode before
  • Add option to add an action button to the top of the toolbar and to add a menu button to the bottom of the toolbar
  • Add documentation for copy, cut, and paste blocks in Volto
  • Content Rules: Support server-provided schema for condition and action

Group photo of sprint particpants visiting "Swarovski" Kristallwelten during the Alpine City Sprint 2023.