Olatz Perez de Viñaspre will be one of the keynoters at Plone Conference 2023
Plone conference 2023 is proud to present one of the keynote speakers: Olatz Perez de Viñaspre!
Olatz is a PhD in Language Analysis and Processing and is an associate professor at the University of the Basque Country. In 2017 she presented her thesis in automatic translation of health terminology into Basque and with it she won one of the VI Koldo Mitxelena awards in 2019.
She is a researcher of the research group IXA of the UPV/EHU and the Basque Language Technology Center HiTZ.
The main lines of research have been machine translation, the application of language processing to the medical domain and gender bias in linguistic models, having worked especially for the Basque language. She has published numerous articles in international journals and congresses and has participated in various research projects both in the Basque Country and at the state or European level.
In 2022 she received the II Gladys del Estal award for women in the digital environment, highlighting her “fruitful academic career” and her work in responding to “great social challenges”.
She has taught several "Introduction to Python" lessons and even written a book in Basque about the same topic.
Welcome Olatz!
Plone Conference 2023 website published
The Plone Conference 2023 will be held in Eibar, Basque Country, October 2-8 2023!
The new website is now live, built on Plone 6 of course: https://2023.ploneconf.org/