Welcome to Three New Members of the Plone Foundation
Giulia Ghisini, Piero Nicolli, and Alessandro Pisa join the Plone Foundation
The Plone Foundation welcomes two new members after unanimous confirmation by the Foundation's Board of Directors on February 17, 2022.
Membership in the Foundation is conferred for significant and enduring contributions to the Plone project and community. The Plone Foundation Membership Committee overwhelmingly recommended each applicant for their ongoing contributions to Plone.
Giulia Ghisini
Giulia is a frontend developer who works on the Volto development team. She has sprinted at Sorrento once and has participated in Plone conferences since 2019.Giulia works at Red Turtle and lives in Ferrara, Italy.
Piero Nicolli
Piero also works with Red Turtle in Ferrara. He has been using Plone since 2015 and has made occasional contributions since then. Piero's focus has shifted to Volto after beginning with contributions on plonetheme.barceloneta and plone.staticresources. He is currently part of the Volto Team.
Piero attended Plone Conferences 2018, 2019 and 2021, and he helped organize the 2019 Ferrara conference. In addition to several sprints, Piero gave a talk about frontend development at PloneConf 2019 and about a use case for a repeatable Volto themes at PloneConf 2021. He is active on Discord from time to time and answer questions there when available.
Alessandro Pisa
Alessandro works remotely for Syslab from Ferrara (Italy) and has been
a Plone user and developer since 2008. He has been a Framework Team member since 2017. He is a Plone core developer and contributes and maintains some packages in the Plone ecosystem.
Alessandro is a long-time contributor to the community and helps to manage the collective organization on GitHub. He has attended many sprints and makes sure to reach out to newcomers when conference time comes around.
The Plone Foundation encourages applications from long time contributors to the Plone project and community. Learn more about the Foundation membership and the application process.