Behold the New - Built on Plone 6!
This site is built with Plone 6. Take a spin and tell us what you think!

Behold the New - Built on Plone 6!

The Plone community is proud to present the new, running on the freshly released Plone 6.0.

Eat your own dogfood - use Plone

An effort started a year ago in Plone Conference 2021, the idea was to build on the new Plone 6. Thanks to the combined effort of the community, here we stand with the new site.

The main drivers of the effort are:

  • Showcasing Plone 6 in its glory
  • Using Plone 6 to push development forward
  • Showcasing Plone 6 customization and available add-ons
  • Showcasing Plone stability by doing a full migration and keeping content from 2022 still alive and editable
  • Improving content overall
  • Making it easier for wider audience to get to know Plone

Plone 6 is here

Plone 6 is now fully released and this site is using the latest 6.0 version. Plone 6 combines over 20 years of solid and powerful foundation to build your content on, but with a fresh and fast and super easy-to-use user experience for editors. You can do complex custom layouts, massive content structures and visually pleasing pages in a matter of minutes, and rest assured that the site will scale to any need imaginable in the future.

Plone keeps your content safe - over 20 years of content

Originally was released back in 2001. Few might have guessed, that over 20 years from that we are still able to keep that content alive and editable. Take a look at the earliest news items from way, way back:


Thank you everyone!

This site would not exist without the combined effort of the most awesome Plone community, requiring wide variety of different skills from programming, UX and visual design, copywriting, image editing and migration, and more. Thank you for for your relentless effort wit Plone 6 and!

Please give feedback and help us improve Feedback

Even if the site is now renewed and published, work continues. With so much migrated content and so much new, there are still sharp edges, missing information or other issues to fix. Please let us know what you think about the new site and what could be better.

And for that, here is a simple feedback form (build with Plone 6 form editor).

So just let us know what you think!

In any case, you can contact or pop up to and marketing Discord channel to give feedback, discuss more or join the effort on keeping the site updated.

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