Plone Conference 2022 - Tickets for Sale

Get your tickets to Plone Conference 2022, prices starting from 100$.

Plone Conference 2022 takes place in Namur, Belgium on October 10-16, 2022.

We have now opened ticket sales, with early bird prices!

The topics at the conference range from Plone, Zope, Volto, and Guillotina to Python and Pyramid or from fancy JavaScript to cool case studies and beyond. Project management, process improvement, open-source, design, and community aspects are valued talk topics.

Get ready for the new Plone 6: the features, stability, scalability, and best-in-class security of an enterprise CMS, combined with a modern, easy-to-use, and powerful front end based on state-of-the-art web technologies.

Plone community is the most friendly open source community there is and always welcomes new people warmly.

Conference tickets include

  • Access to two days of training sessions
  • Access to three days conference
  • 40+ presentations
  • Interact with speakers, sponsors, and attendees
  • Join the community sprints

Get your tickets!

More info

If you have any questions, please contact, we are happy to help you!
