Plone Conference 2022 - Keynotes, Talks and Speakers
Say hello to the awesome speakers at Plone conference, and check out interesting keynotes and talks!
Plone Conference 2022 keynotes and talks
Plone conference 2022 keynotes and talks are published and can be found at:
Also, the full schedule is available at
Three varying topics, from presenting the newest version of Plone to building and maintaining thriving open-source community, and to the impact of information technology to the sustainability and ecology.
- The state of Plone Community - Érico Andrei delves into the aspects of Plone's valuable core: the people - The state of Plone - Plone release managers present Plone 6, the latest and greatest version of the software and talk about the technology around it - No ICT without mineral extraction - Yohan Jans and Olivier Vergheyst will talk about the geological, sosiological and ecological mpact of ICT in and how to achieve sustainable IT
There will be four tracks of talks in the conference and over 60 talks!
- Track 1 and Track 2: Talks in English
- Track 3: Talks in French
- Track 4 open spaces for any discussions with other participants
- Plone at Scale: How Plone Powers Hundreds of Websites at one of the Largest Research Institutions in Europe
- Brazil still loves Plone
- DevOps Bird's Eye View on the Plone 6 Backend
- Plone for managers: how to achieve good ROI for your organisation and really use and value the strengths of Plone
- University of Oxford - Plone 4 to Plone 6 - Upgrading the beast
- Plone 6 Beyond 2022
And so many more!
Speakers come from all cornes of the world and include all types of talent from developer, integrators, devops-experts and users to project managers and marketing people.
Join Plone Conference 2022
Plone Conference 2022 takes place in the beautiful city of Namur in the heart of Belgium, on October 10-16.
Read about the venue and get your tickets, you are warmly welcome!