Plone Training Is Now Available Online
Learn about Plone and Pyramid from the comfort of your couch
When the pandemic forced the annual Plone Conference online, the conference training classes went online too. We sure did miss seeing everyone in person, but there's a small silver lining. The online training sessions were all recorded and they have now been posted to the Plone YouTube channel. Now anyone can watch and re-watch them!
The following videos are available. All are about 4 hours long.
Philip Bauer, Instructor
Learn how to develop custom projects with Plone 6 and Volto, the new React-based frontend. Covers the core technologies involved in Plone 6 programming, including how to write your own add-on package and customize your Plone site by writing Python code and React components. Covers the first half of the material in
Philip Bauer, Instructor
A continuation of Part 1. Covers the second half of the material in
React and Volto - Part 1: React
Jakob Kahl and Alok Kumar, Instructors
Get started with React so you can create your own site using Volto. Learn the basis of React, Redux and React-Router. Covers the material in
React and Volto - Part 2: Volto
Jakob Kahl and Alok Kumar, Instructors
Learn how to how to quickly bootstrap and customize a Volto project, and how create your own website based on Volto. Covers the material in and
Tiberiu Ichim and Víctor Fernández de Alba, Instructors
Learn how to develop Volto add-ons and other useful Volto patterns. Learn how to quickly develop a real world Volto add-on and how to structure your code to make it simple, reusable and provide extensible components. Covers the material in
Tiberiu Ichim and Víctor Fernández de Alba, Instructors
A continuation of Part 1. Covers the material in
Getting Started With Your Plone Site
David Bain, Instructor
Content management principles for Plone. A little background, principles & concepts, logging in & out, preferences and password management, folder management and the basic publication workflow.
Steve Piercy, Instructor
A hands-on, quick tutorial covering "a little about a lot". Practical introductions to the most common features. Fun, fast-paced, and targeted to newcomers to both Python web application development and the Pyramid web framework.