Plone Conference 2021 Online - Tickets for Sale Now!

Get your early bird tickets to Plone Conference 2021 starting from 75$ for the whole week!

The annual conference is a chance for the Plone community to come together to share new developments, success stories, and the future of the community. Taking place over 8 days, the conference will feature training, keynotes, talks, open spaces, sprints, and social activities.

This year’s conference will be entirely online, through the LoudSwarm virtual platform. No matter where you are, you can participate!

Plone Conference website now online


The conference website is, of course, built with Plone.

Tickets are now available

Discounted tickets, available until September 30th, also a special price for developing countries.

Get your tickets here.

Submit your talk proposal

The topics can range from Plone, Zope, Volto, and Guillotina to Python and Pyramid or from fancy JavaScript to cool case studies and beyond.

There are many kinds of talk slots, from 5 min lightning talks to 30 and 45 minutes long, and you can target your talk to different audiences too.

Submit your talk proposal!

Stay tuned for more info

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