Plone 5.2.5 Released!

Check out the latest release to Plone 5.2 series, which includes security fixes, Zope updates and other improvements

General notes

Plone 5.2.5 is a bug fix release of Plone 5.2. The release Manager for this version is Maurits van Rees.

Note: this is a fresh release. Installers are not ready yet but will be made available.

Experienced users can update their buildout config by pointing to

For the Plone 5.2 upgrade guide, see

See for the planned release schedule.

Plone 5.2.5

Plone 5.2.5 is a release of Plone 5.2.

Download Plone 5.2.5

Experienced users can update their buildout config by pointing to

Useful links:

Some highlights of this release are:

  • Security fixes in AccessControl and Products.isurlinportal.
  • Security fixes from Products.PloneHotfix20210518 taken over in core.
  • Zope: 4.5.5 to 4.6.3
  • Products.CMFPlone: Add PLONE52MARKER Python marker.
  • Add proper support for Dexterity folderish content.
  • plone.folder: restore webdav support.
  • plone.registry: Allow plone.schema.JSONField to be stored in registry (dictionary-like).
  • plone.namedfile: Cache stable image scales strongly.
  • plone.recipe.zope2instance: customize WSGI, profiling, python-env.
  • plone.restapi: JSONField, sub blocks, use_site_search_settings.
  • Lots of bugfixes, especially improving Python 3 compatibility.

For detailed changelog, go to