Plone on Python 3 is Closer to Reality Thanks to Huge Sprint
Major strides were made during the SaltLabs Sprint. The Plone community came out in force to help continue the work to move Plone 5.2 to Python 3 and to release Zope 4.0b6.
In October 2018, 34 Plone developers joined forces for a major push to move Plone to Python 3, implement improvements in Zope 4, and bring Plone 5.2 closer to a final release during a sprint held in the gocept offices in Halle, Gemany.
Given the large number of people on hand for the sprint, a huge list of achievements were reported:
- Zope 4 improvements
- Plone port to Python 3
- Deprecation of Archetypes
Core addons updated for compatibility with Plone 5.2
- ZODB migration
- WSGI setup
- Frontend and theming
- New navigation with dropdown support
- Static resource refactoring
- Test parallezation
- Documentation and user-testing
- Translations
- Plone React
- And more
Read the full report here.
The attendees celebrated Plone's 17th birthday with a barbecue and party in true Plone style. Thank you to Philip Bauer for organizing.
The organizers want to thank gocept for the use of their amazing offices and allowing the community to take advantage of the palace-like salon, cafe Kaffej, and the excellent cappuccino.
Our appreciation also goes out to Plone Foundation, and the German Python Software Foundation (PySV) for their support.
Thank you to the amazing attendees for their hard work during this intense 5 day sprint.
Finally, we could not accomplish these things without the sprinters, so a huge thank you to them on behalf of the entire Plone community!