Three New Members Join the Plone Foundation
The newest Plone Foundation members are Maik Derstappen, Patrick Gerken, and Gil Forcada.
The Plone Foundation welcomes 3 new members after unanimous confirmation by the Foundation's Board of Directors on May 12, 2016. Membership in the Foundation is conferred for significant and enduring contributions to the Plone project and community. The Plone Foundation Membership Committee overwhelmingly recommended each applicant for their ongoing contributions to Plone.
Maik Derstappen
Maik has organized and attended many Plone events and has represented Plone at technology events throughout Europe. He has contributed Plone add-ons and most recently, been a key member of Plone's CMS Garden team.
Patrick Gerken
Patrick has been a Plone core contributor since 2009, helping users on IRC and in our community forum. Patrick was an organizer of the Plone Konferenz 2012 and is a creator of the Plone training guides.
Gil Forcada
Gil leads vital behind the scenes work on Plone infrastructure as a member of the testing and continuous integration team and has participated and presented at many Plone events since 2009. Gil is the lead organizer of the World Plone Office Day monthly sprint.
The Foundation is the trustee for Plone's intellectual property, works to protect and promote Plone, and now has 110 active members.
The Plone Foundation encourages applications from long time contributors to the Plone project and community. Learn more about the Foundation membership and the application process.