Sponsor the PLOG Strategic Summit
The 2015 Plone Strategic Summit at PLOG in Sorrento, Italy, needs your sponsorship.
The Plone Foundation Board has designated the 2015 Plone Open Gardens in Sorrento, Italy, as a strategic summit. The summit is a way for the entire Plone community to discuss and plan the future of Plone.
The Plone community is a widely diverse group from all over the world. A large turnout in Sorrento will ensure that the most voices are heard.
To help bring as many unique viewpoints as possible to the discussion, the Foundation is asking for donations from the community to help offset the costs of travel for those whose input would be crucial to the conversation.
We need your help - please sponsor other attendees
Representation from all teams and committees is needed to make sure the focus is on the future for everyone in the community. Great moderators will be needed to guide the sessions and keep everyone on task. Are you a community, process, or code contributor? We need you. The Foundation will do its best to ensure balanced representation.
To help bring these key participants to the 2015 strategic summit, the Foundation has committed to matching funding of up to $7,500 USD to cover travel expenses. With the Foundation matching your contributions, your sponsorship will go TWICE AS FAR!
Double your sponsorship contribution
The strategic summit is a continuation of the highly successful and ongoing Plone 2020 and related discussions held at various locations over the last two years. The conversations have taken place at conferences, sprints, symposia, and other Plone and Python events.
The last Plone strategic summit was held in 2008 at the Googleplex. The results were a new product roadmap and improved community processes. Based on the feedback from the community, it is time to review our long-term project strategy to drive Plone in the future. To achieve success, we need the widest level of participation from our community members.
We need you in Sorrento - your voice is important - sign up now
The summit and its outcomes are extremely important to the continued vibrancy and success of the Plone project and community.