Plone again at the Cebit 2014 – Join our efforts!
The Plone community is happy to be part of the CMS Garden again in 2014. Plone was joined the CMS Garden that was started by a joined venture of Dupal, TYPO3 and Joomla community people from Germany that came up as an idea to support Open Source at CeBIT to compensate the decreasing Open Source sponsoring from CeBIT itself.
CMS Garden is an initiative where you will find all the relevant open source CMS-es in one place. On the website and in the wild you will find the CMS Garden at events like CeBIT, LinuxTag and FrOSCon. You can compare, evaluate and decide. CMS Garden is a community driven event where attendants are not shy to share ideas and help each other out.
CeBIT is the world’s leading business IT event. In 2014 CeBIT is all about business and will take place from March 10 - 14 in Hannover, Germany.
An own booth at CeBIT 2014? Here is how …
Out of a loose cooperation CMS Garden evolved into an official association of which the first general Assembly will be held in January 2014 in Essen. This organizational structure offers the best possibilities for the participating systems - currently Contao, contenido, djangoCMS, Drupal, Joomla!, OpenCms, PAPAYA, Plone, Redaxo, Scientific CMS, TYPO3, Wordpress - to draw attention. This especially at events to which most content management systems could not otherwise represent themselves. In 2013, CMS Garden was present at CeBIT in Hannover, LinuxTag Berlin, FrOSCon in Sankt Augustin and DMS Expo in Stuttgart.
The CMS Gardener's Guide – The second edition is under way
At these events, the CMS Gardener's Guide was distributed. Handy valuefull 130 pages have found their inspired target groups. 10,000 copies were printed and distributed last year. Each of the participating systems is able to present itself again in this guide. Service providers present themselves in the CMS Gardener's Guide with ads or a directory listing.
For 2014 the second edition of the CMS Gardener's Guide is planned. You can already buy a directory entry for a mere 100,- Euro netto and advertisements are available from 550,- Euro netto. You can book your entry into the Guide until January 24, 2014 straight from the CMS Isotopes Garden Shop. Plone had a three page article explaining all the strenghts of this industrial grade system both in german and english language. Plones Features are compared to other PHP, Java and Python based CMS in a detailed matrix that is an outstanding tool to understand the different strenghts of the Content Management tools aiming at different target groups or solution sectors.
The Plone Foundation together with the Python Software Verband will order again together a full page ad to support the CMS Garden, Plone and OpenSource in general. The article and its illustrations were based on a shortened version of the content of the german Plone Brochures issued by the DZUG/Python Software Verband for Plone 4 and will be updated with a preview of Plone 5. We hope other Plone service companies join hopefully as well with ads and service register entries like in the last year.
Your exhibition stand at the CeBit 2014
At CeBit 2014 there is the opportunity to present your company on a minimum of 4 square meters stand in the direct environment of the CMS-Garden at prices that are far below the regular CeBit fees. If you are interested and would like to learn more about conditions, pricing and more, please e-mail directly from Daniela Seifert (d.seifert @ of Pluspol. Pluspol is the company that is in charge of the organisation of the Open Source Park and the infrastructural stuff for CMS Garden at CeBIT
An excellent chance to make Plone and your commitment visible
Another way to show your commitment is to support CMS Garden with sponsoring. There are three variants for you to choose from: As supporter, premium or diamond sponsor. all sponsoring options are described on the CMS Garden website.
By supporting the CMS Garden initiative you support Plone and our community! Plone had an excellent presence at CeBIT 2013 reaching out at european and international contacts as well. The Plone volunteers talked to people from universities, museums and big sport organisations all over europe even if they initially were there to gather facts about other Open Source CMS'es or commercial vendors.
This article was inspired by work of other authors from the CMS Garden, explicitly the Contao (Alexander Bröss) and Typo3 (Ben van 't Ende) CMS communities. The CMS Garden is an excellent example how OpenSource activists can join forces even on the same market sector to increase visibility against commercial competitors.