Ramon Navarro Bosch and Philip Bauer Named to Plone Foundation
The Plone Foundation Board of Directors is proud to announce that Ramon Navarro Bosch of Spain and Philip Bauer of Germany have been named as members of the Plone Foundation.
Ramon Navarro Bosch, CTO of Iskra Desenvolupament SCCL, has been contributing to Plone since 2003. He helped create the Catalan Plone Meetup and has organized or helped organize six Plone sprints and two World Plone Day events. Ramon is a key developer for plone.app.multilingual and has contributed extensively to multilingual facilities in Plone.
Philip Bauer is with Starzel.de, and works on creating web and intranet sites small and large. With the Munich Plone group, Philip organized the very successful first German Plone-Konferenz in February 2012 in Munich. He's also an associate chair of the Python Software Verband e.V. Philip, has helped run German Plone website, Plone.de, and has organized sprints focusing on marketing Plone.
The Plone Foundation is the conservator for the Plone Content Management System, and promotes Plone, its community and its development. The Foundation currently has over 100 members, all chosen for their significant and enduring contributions to Plone. Foundation membership applications are considered by the Foundation's Membership Committee and approved by its Board of Directors.
Plone is an open-source web content management system that excels in security, scalability, internationalization, usability and flexibility. The project has hundreds of active developers, spread throughout the world.