Plone at Europython 2013
From July 1-7 hundreds of Python programmers and users descended again upon the beautiful city of Florence, Italy, for Europython 2013.
Plone was obviously also represented. With several talks, a training, a poster session, the helpdesk and a booth there was ample opportunity to get in touch with the other participants.
The poster was well received, and provided plenty of talking points. Plus it had the added bonus of making the booth very recognizable.
Of course, no conference is complete without T-shirts, and the bright blue design worn by 40+ people made for high visibility (and some fun antics).
Apropos fun: because you can never have enough good company and good food, there were Plone social dinners held, Plone cookies shared, and the conversations at the riverside bar went on into the early hours.
The Plone community is a very versatile bunch. From Pyramid to Agile methods, from video streaming to improving your programming skills, our community is long past the point of just dealing with Plone, and is linked on many levels to the wider Python community.
As is befitting such a conference, it ended in some sprinting. Notable results:
- the complete opensourcing of the Produce&Publish Authoring Environment
- improvements to the installer scripts
- discussion on the current trends in the Javascript tool world
All in all, it was an excellent conference for Plone and for Python.
Thanks go to Maurizio Delmonte, Massimo Azzolini, Cesare Brizio, Balázs Reé, Wyn Williams, Nejc Zupan, Domen Kožar and everyone else who helped make a splash.
And a huge thanks to the Europython organizing team, who did an amazing job.
They can now finally rest on their laurels, because Europython 2014 will take place in Berlin.
For some more fun & games, see the Storify collection of tweets & pics.